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Old 1st Mar 2001, 18:55
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Cheers for advice, was a bit shocked at number of responses.

The degree I am doing now allows me to pick and choose courses, which I hope will be useful to airlines eg (2 maths courses ok for economists but it far exceeds A level maths, lots of computing for employment skills etc, and geography etc). Although in reality I don't think a degree or what degree u have matters too much re sponsorship it is more motivation etc(it does probs help with 1st paper shift)

I will be looking at other jobs and was thinking about trying to do something connected with aviation, a lot of fellow students go into recruitmancy etc so aviation recrutimancy for me if poss or work for an airline on graduate programs (builds a network of contacts etc), obviously degree coming to an end (good thing, but can do without any real disasters that can happen, got a mate got a 1st second year and walked out with a 3rd, if he hadn;t done so well in 2nd year would have failed etc, so sadly disasters happen).

Sponsorship well you have to hope, we all do. It seems a sad thing really that not enough airlines do sponsorship schemes (even 50% would be a massive help to wannabes). But I always believe that if you want it you will get it. A lot must do one sponsorship, not get it and just give up IMO (certainly different from people on this site).

Anyway has turned into a bit of a ramble from hell, so hope not boring anyone too much. Funding, it certainly is a lot of money, and at present am in debt due to student loans to the region of 3000 pounds. Sounds nothing compared to trainning I know.

Anyway wish everyone good luck and cheers for the advice. At the moment am getting a list of contacts together, which are being v helpful
