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Thread: Meloz and 89
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Old 21st Sep 2002, 04:43
  #53 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Well, we are still on the air, even if old warriors are slashing at each other in the same old way.

What do we have from all of this?

Returnees: You went back and screwed up the whole system, and for what?

Money: The pay was more after 89 than before, up to at least twice depending on which way you read the figures. So much for 30% or so in the original NEGOTIABLE package.

Productivity: Up and you can shout that from the rooftops, BUT, no LSL components I believe, annual leave at a different level and not taken at least as often in the first year, work practices that had been removed from the awards for years.

Company Loyalty: Only now being bandied about as "we" all want our monies due. Apologies to many of the non-flying staff in this area, but not all as some were real B*&^s when it suited them as said before.

Job security: Zero

Group Synergy: Zero, where are you Q mates in all this, you know the "others" on the list as we "all" stuck together for the "good of the Companies"
I would hazard a guess they are laughing their soxs off. However Impulse/NJ/Southern/Eastern has not yet settled and worse is to come.

Brand recognition: Yes you are a recognised lot, the listees, Gold, Silver and blue card members all.

Future Employment: Yes some are here, there and everywhere and good luck, as you will need it. Most conditions, certainly here, are well down from the ones enjoyed in 90. No CPF, no company fund, worth some 30/40K in the long run PA. You will see further stresses in this area.

Was it worth the stigma?

Was it worth assisting in destroying the Industrial Relations system that had served ALL AUSTRALIANS so well?

Was it worth contributing to the demise of what was and still could have been a great Ansett?

What a price to pay for NOTHING gained!!!

As to what some perceive as lies from the AFAP, that is open to many views. Advice sought and given to all pilots appears to have satisfied 1300 or so who continued to display moral fibre.
The AFAP did as it was asked to do by the membership, nothing more or less than its charter allowed, protected our and YOUR assetts by allowing the resignations to be lodged. Writs delivered and worded in the manner of the times were the indications of things to come, and come they did.

I actually don't have a problem with the ones who NEVER resigned, they were at least honest from day one, some withdrew the form immediately as they didn't want that journey. The rest slinked around corners, passed on information, easily caught, SOPS may remember one we flushed out, nice folks. People really did and still do, show their true colours when the chips are down.

That is one of the main reasons many would never go back then and are reluctant to work with those peoplle now, YOU WENT BACK ON YOUR WORD, no place in a cockpit for that line at all.

Many could hold the line and some would cave in, history was made.

What a price Australia has paid, just because of a few Sc%bs