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Thread: Meloz and 89
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Old 20th Sep 2002, 07:12
  #42 (permalink)  
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Kaptin M,

Pilots in the former AN were indeed paid by the hour with the only guarantee being 55 per month. One could count on the fingers of one hand the number who didn't fly 55 per month, and that was one the fingers of one hand over a year. There were no 2 for 1, or minimum 4 stick hour guarantees as prior.

Others have canvassed these principles with you over a number of years, but you don't seem to get it.

The no reserve comment deserves no comment, but 'll say it again anyway, in small words with big letters if necessary - there was no reserve coverage, and no provision in the rostering. Difficult to do when the average block was 75 - 80 hours, compared with pre 89 30 - 40 hours, and reserve coverage provision!

When one was called out on a non allocated flying day, the same hourly rate applied as the blocked paid hours. For an A320 Capt in 2001, that was about $230 per hour. One can easily see that if it was a MEL - ADL - DRW - ASP - ADL - PAX MEL day, then the reward was considerable, but no more considerable than if it was blocked; in fact, exactly the same. I'll put you out of your misery - it was a $2K day.

It is unfortunate that I no longer have a copy of the contract or I'd courier it to the Land of the Rising Sun for you to peruse.

As for scabs not getting jobs, there are over 300 former AN jocks now in jobs round the world. A considerable number of those are pre 89 pilots. They're getting jobs in companies nominated in this thread as those who would never take pre 89 guys. I believe the recruiting person in a middle eastern airline has been replaced because of his petty prejudices and overlooking qualified pilots who didn't fit into his idealistic world. What a shame.

You see, what you see as scabbing, many employers see as loyalty to the company. Personally, I don't see it that way, rather it was self preservation, but there are many who would employ a scab because he is not going to go for some tragic ideology espoused by a union type with his head up his ar$e, and who hasn't taken account of reality. SQ will continue to do so regardless of what you say. Quite a few working in Japan too, and I recall reading a post of yours some time ago that said that no scabs would ever be employed in Japan. Seems like the employers are indeed forgetting about 89, if they ever knew, or just couldn't give a $hit. The latter I think.

Even QF long haul is taking former AN pilots by the boxful, and didn't they support the cause in 89? Of course they did, flying over domestic routes in 747s carrying domestic passengers. That's real support for the cause.

If we follow the cock eyed KM logic, then QF short haul is next, and they won't be able to find jobs anywhere in the world either because they scabbed. Give me a break!

In one breath you guys say that the airline industry around the world will never forget 89, but in another, you note that Australian aviation is $hit, and nobody knows or cares about it. Make up your minds fellas. There's a real credibility problem.

I find it difficult when you say former AN pilots bragged about their incomes when you do exactly the same. I suppose it's just another example of the hypocrisy of displayed by you types. Be that as it may, I am now very, very rich, and I tell you unashamedly.


You're right, there were the 'Go get 'em Brian' types who scabbed, but at the top of the list were the wine merchant and the first female pilot. The only difference there is that they weren't accepted. I bet she regretted being used as a pan by the AFAP. As for me, I voted 'NO' from day 1, and my friends knew it. What a lost cause it was - badly conceived and badly executed.


I like your style son. Take it to them, and if you need some support, I'll be with you in the trench.


I don't look forward 'with great anticipation' to meeting anyone from the industry, but I've always been happy when I run into those of whom you speak. I have never turned away, have always extended my hand, been friendly towards them, and genuinely interested in how they're getting along; some, the more mature amongst them, have reciprocated, others have hurled abuse, and as you can imagine that did me a lot of harm; so much harm, in fact, that I pi$$ed myself laughing at them.

You see, by acting in that manner, they don't harm me; they harm themselves. They're being eaten up by hatred, but more importantly, they're being eaten up by envy, for they realize they made the wrong decision and f&%$#d their lives.

Back into the trench, and waiting for the firing to start.

Last edited by CitizenXX; 20th Sep 2002 at 07:50.
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