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Old 13th Sep 2002, 06:40
  #85 (permalink)  
Kaptin M
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Waterops - "Oh, I did make a few cowardly, late-night, abusive, anonymous phone calls...........WRONG.
Unlike the gutless, spineless individuals that found it necessary THEN, and NOW, to hide their actions and names, any telephone contact I had....sorry, ATTEMPTED to have - because the weak b@st@rds would never come to the phone themselves, hiding behind their wife, father, mother or answering machine.....any telephone contact I ATTEMPTED to have was preceded by my name, "This is ........ ....... calling."

I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read that bit. PLEASE DON'T GIVE US THAT ABSOLUTE CRAP. Why can't you just admit you did it all because you wanted to win, you didn't want to have to leave for an overseas job (both good reasons) and because you were GREEDY. It was about MONEY. Admit it. Be a man.
I guess it really is hard for non-principled people such as yourself, Waterops, to realise that the majority of humans don`t let their world revolve around money. It was (wrongly) assuming that there were many more people - such as yourself - who would sell themselves for "30 pieces of silver", that gave Abeles and Hawke the incentive to try their luck
As HISTORY showed, only 22% of ALL the pilots involved demonstrated that they were GREED-driven.

Do you really expect us to believe mashed potato is the worst thing you did or heard of being done to a scab?
Poor darlings - "SCAB" drawn in mashed potato, "SCAB" painted on a fence - what a TERRIBLE price to have to pay for being forced to accept rapid promotion and MASSIVE salary increases, whilst at the same time ACTIVELY working to PRECLUDE their former work colleagues from obtaining re-employment.
My heart BLEEDS for them.
Whilst the scabs were out buying new cars, and houses, those non-returnees were SELLING OFF many of their lifetime`s assets to maintain their ONLY HOME, or pay for their kids` education, medical and hospital expenses, etc.

However, Waterops, it would appear that the point I was making went completely over your head (why am I not surprised!), which was the FACT that the mashed potato in the STAFF canteen was pushed there NOT by an `89-er....it would have been impossible for any of us to gain access......but by another Ansett employee who also saw the scabs for WHAT they were.

Wiz - unless YOU are a scab, you were not privvy to the INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTS being offered to previous Ansett pilots to lure them back.
If you ARE a scab, then I wouldn`t expect that you (and the rest of them) have changed over the past 13 years, and lies and deception are the basis of your daily dealings.

I have firsthand knowledge through MY accountant, as to what some of the early returnees were grossing!

(Edit) Posting between sectors sometimes means there`s not quite enough time to include everything I had initiallly intended. And so Wiz do I also have the NAMES of THREE Ansett "heroes" who made a point of telling `89ers how MUCH their 30 pieces of silver translated into Dolllars...and "NO, not through a friend of a friend of a friend", but FIRST HAND.
Two of the species were BNE based - one ended up as an Ansett 744 "Captain" (having returned as a junior f/o.....almost Number 1 BNE crawlback, from memory) and was subsequently fired after having been gaoled in Japan for shoplifting.
Another was a short, permanently imbibed, wa#ker, who`d been lucky with the stockmarket pre-`89 - he, in particular, made several `phone calls to a good mate of mine, trying to convince him to return with stories of "unbelievable salaries" and the guarantee of an immediate upgrade (my mate was an F27 Captain at the time).
The third cretin was still trying to rub salt into the wounds in the early `90`s. Seeing a couple of ex-AN, then SQ pilots in the simulator centre at Garden Drive, Melbourne, he tried to garner a reaction by calling out to them "Thanks for the pay rise!".

Last edited by Kaptin M; 13th Sep 2002 at 12:19.
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