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Old 27th Feb 2011, 14:59
  #67 (permalink)  
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Ah OK I see your point. I was alluding to the fact that the UK has a relatively large and young, often unemployed and angry population of muslim men from Pakistan, which in recent years has been the centre of Islamic militantism. They are not integrated and indeed do not wish to do so. They are much more religious than their parents and they are blazing with rage about what they see as our attack on Islam by being in Afgahnaistan and Iraq at all. Our last government was in utter denial until a group of supposedly British men caused carnage and murder the day after London won the 2012 Olympics.

The community's very strong links with "home" allow an easy conduit for terror into the UK itself with men and women marrying on direction allowing our enemies British passports over time. Roughly, that is why I think the ongoing terror threat is greater.

Which country's citizens hatched the bomb plot that gave us the liquid ban?
Which country was Richard Reid the shoe bomber from?
Which country was the underwear bomber on the AMS-DTW NW A330 radicalised?

Undoubtedly there appears to be a radical muslim faction in UK. But I suspect it's a tiny minority. Tar all UK muslims with the same brush and you get the 'knee jerk' reaction we have now. And btw I'm not Asian or muslim.

The 7/7 lot didn't target an airport or flight.
The Glasgow lot never attempted a flight but simply tried to attack the airport building.

Of your last 3 examples, for the first one, liquid checks weren't in place, the second one, I'm not sure if they were or not, and for the third one, they were in place but made no difference?

A cynic might say 'vested interests and big security contracts worth thousands of jobs', but I'm not a cynic.

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