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Old 29th Jan 2011, 08:49
  #22 (permalink)  
thorn bird
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Great life,

I thought for a while you were a wind up, but then I thought dont be negative, I guess " To each his own"

I admire your rose coloured glasses attitude, maybe, just maybe if you have a passion for the industry you might make a difference, but you have a hell of a mountain to climb.

To many within the industry you are no longer part of it, you have crossed the Rubecon and joined the "Enemy" which is endemically corrupt, and infected with people of dubious probity.

Rightly or wrongly, IMHO that is how CASA is perceived by a large majority of those who work & rely on GA for their daily bread, those that have a passion for it.
The trust has gone, so many people I know who will no longer talk with CASA without their lawyer present, or a tape recorder on the table, such is the level of mistrust, its tragic.

It is OUR "shame" as an industry that we tolerated this growing corruption and allowed it to thrive instead of retreating behind the barricades and presenting a united front.
We allowed the beaurocrats to divide us and as a result dictate instead of consult.
The greatest mistake we as an industry made was not uniting and insisting our Pollies direct that our regulator consider the economic impact of their regulations...."To foster and promote" in the same manner as the FAA.

A simple comparison of the state of the industry here, compared with there, should be indicitive of the way it should work. A simple comparison of NZ, PNG, Canada, compared with here should be an indication of how it should work, can anyone imagine that "Ice Pilots" could work in Australia??

Since our system has become criminal, who the hell is going to talk to the police?? given that the supposed Law, deliberately written to be indeciphearable!!
The law has become a function of the opinion of a public servant not a judge. Who has a monopoly on knowledge???. Where a public servant can and have used "Their opinion" to remove someones ability to earn their livelyhood, have closed down businesses and thrown many out of work based on their "opinion". Not even our police have that right!! Ah but then there's always the safety excuse!!
"In the interests of safety".great spin doctors sound bite..but are our outcomes any better than anyone elses???...dosnt seem so!! in fact pathetically we run way behind, "Statistically"...So who's doing it right??...Our industry is dying, and our safety record is going down the toilet as well!! CASA's spin doctors will manipulate statistics to suit their warped view of things. At the end of the day facts dont lie, we are so far behind the rest of the world it dosnt matter, we are non compliant with worlds best practice, and still the faceless beaurocrats insist that the rest of the world is wrong and we are right.

We reap what we sow, or ignore, now it comes back to bite us.

So Mr great life, enjoy your appointment and your six figure salary and massive super payout, I hope the industry survives long enough for you to achieve your personel goals, but if you have a tiny passion for aviation, I hope you will apply your talents to affecting change, and if you are a person of Probity expose the corruption that is destroying CASA's credibility, and destroying an industry.
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