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Old 21st Nov 2001, 08:12
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George Semel
Join Date: Jun 1999
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Boy you guys are nuts, when you use those checkques, its considered a cash advance and the intrest can be quite steep. God its the last way to finance a certificate or rating. I did all of mine more that 28 years ago, and well I just paid as I went. Kept small amounts on account and settled at the end of the month. For you flight instructors, why not drive limo's on the side? Hell I do and its great, I make more on a friday night than what I use to do for a good week and a half flight Instructing. Its a great second job. Do it for a year before you start training, its slow now and its going to be for a few years. This way when things break open again and they will, you are not floating a mountain of high intrest debt. I had the credit cards and I got rid of them all a couple of years ago. Best move I ever made. I know training is not cheap, it never was. Most of the jobs out here don't pay very well or is seasonal at best. Its a lot easier to work as a pilot in most of the jobs if you are not servicing a lot of loans. I drive a 12 year old car. I don't know how it is in Britain or Europe, but here in the States its going to be slim pickins for awhile. And what jobs there will be will not pay much. This will be the fifth aviation recession I have seen in my flying career. Some of you never seen bad times. I do my best during these periods. Right now I am debating a move for a job flying an Twin Star. I never flown one and I'm having a hard time getting off the dime. Oh I fly both airplanes and helcopters by the way.

[ 21 November 2001: Message edited by: George Semel ]
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