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Old 24th Nov 2010, 01:10
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The Professor knows the truth. The truth is there are two classes in society, the people & the oligarchs, in a ratio of 99.9:1. People like the professor chant the mantra of "Free Markets" & globalization, but they are the shill's of our true overlords, the oligarchs in the banking cartel. Events of the last 2 years should have awoken everyone to the fact that the free market applies only to the little guy.

If you can't see this you haven't been paying attention. Why are the the bankers bailed out at the expense of the taxpayer? If it were a true free market the bank would go bust & banker would be out of a job or in jail for fraud. How many bankers have we seen charged with fraud? I have been paying attention and I cant think of one. Bankers bonuses are back to record levels.

The entire global monetary system is designed to take from the poor & give to the rich. As the money supply is increased by governments & private banks relative to the goods in production, inflation occurs. This inflation steals from savers & rewards debtors, is a hidden tax that hurt those on fixed incomes (usually the poor & workers who can't get a pay rise because of globalization) the most. Those that win from inflation - governments & its contractor friends of the that get to spend the money first. The banks also get to create loans out of thin air on collect interest on it, but you already know that Professor.

The hedge funds that destroy or reward, based in Los Angles or Nice as you say, derive most of their funding through the biggest banks, which in turn are lent money by the US Federal Reserve (a private corporation with the sole monopoly to print the worlds reserve currency, but you knew that already) at 0.25% interest. They take this money and spray it round like confetti to distort markets & profit from the known outcome (determined in advance). If the bets go wrong, the banks are bailed out by the taxpayer. And who owns the Federal Reserve you ask? Why the big banks of course. The Professor knows this.

Professor, I am also a believer in the free market, but there hasn't been a free market for nearly a 100 years. Governments (under the direction of the banking cartel) are free to print unlimited amounts of paper currency, determine interest rates & conduct wars. These alone provide massive distortions in prices for everything everywhere. The "free market" that you talk of cannot exist as described by modern orthodox economics. When the price of money has no relative value to anything real, there cannot be price discovery.

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
Source: Wikipedia

Professor, you are here to elicit & provoke other PPRuNE readers into a response. You provide no solutions other that "Lower Cost is always better". You pose question, & only ever one solution. Therefore, you are a troll. You might be able to bull**** some people Professor, but some of us understand what is really going on.

For anyone who may be interesting in educating themselves, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" forensically & meticulously documents the history on how we all became owned & indebted to the global banking cartel, a series of private entities. Professor, I suggest you get a copy.
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