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OASC Bulletin 22

In this bulletin, we would like to clear up a couple of issues that have been raised recently regarding medical, fitness and aptitude aspects of the selection process.


We see recurring comments about eyesight standards and anthropometric measurements for prospective aircrew. The bottom line with both of these areas is that you, as an individual, cannot do anything about your size or eyesight. Therefore, we will not be publishing the anthropometric measurement criteria in this thread because, unless you are a qualified medical technician and have the appropriate measuring equipment, they are meaningless. Clearly, we would not want to encourage individuals to take their measurements using a tape measure in order to help them make a decision as to whether they should apply for a career in the RAF. Likewise, we will not be publishing eyesight standards because, again, they are meaningless unless you are a qualified optometrist. However, the medical staffs at OASC have recommended that individuals, especially those who think that their eyesight might be of concern, should go to a reputable high street optometrist and have their eyes assessed. Then, the individual should send their results, through their AFCO, to the OASC medical staff who will be able to assess them and provide an opinion as to whether it is worth pursuing an application in a chosen branch.


Recently we received an enquiry about whether a set of aptitude scores for the Royal Navy would count towards an RAF application. The answer to this question is yes in part. The RN and Army employ exactly the same aptitude test batteries for pilot but have opted to not employ the revised RAF pilot aptitude battery yet. This means that for an individual who has undertaken the RN/Army pilot aptitude batteries and subsequently wants to apply for RAF pilot, then they would need to revisit the OASC to undertake the additional RAF pilot tests. Please note that aptitude results last for 12 months before they expire and a retest is required – unless an individual is selected for training beforehand. Equally, a candidate may not re-take any of the aptitude tests within the 12 month period. The latest information regarding the revised RAF Pilot aptitude test can be found at OASC Bulletin 30 (#587).


Earlier this year, we published details of the OASC Selection Fitness Test (SFT) in Post 79; the SFT replaced the standard RAF Fitness Test as the physical fitness selection tool on 1 Apr 10. All of the information in Post 79 is still current; moreover, we require candidates to achieve at least an Amber standard before they will be considered suitable for selection. However, you should strive for the best performance in order to make yourselves as competitive as possible and give yourselves the best chance of sustaining your fitness throughout training and your career.

The OACTU Fitness Assessment (OFA) is slightly different in that the 1.5 mile run is undertaken outside on grass (rather than on a treadmill as at OASC); this is slightly more difficult than running on a treadmill – but otherwise the standards required for a pass are unchanged. Nevertheless, OACTU staff will expect individuals to have prepared to such a level where they are aiming to achieve the Green standard - although Amber is still classed as acceptable. Consequently, the more fitness preparation that an individual puts in prior to Initial Officer Training, the more likely they are to succeed because they will have more reserves of energy and are potentially more resistant to injury.

For more information regarding any of these areas highlighted, please contact your AFCO and they will be able to give you more detailed information regarding specific cases.

Please note that, although OASC will endeavour to answer generic questions that arise, we will not be engaging or commenting on individual cases. In those cases, the individual is advised to contact their nearest AFCO who will be able to deal with any queries. All information published is for information only.

Information regarding a career in the RAF can be found at http://www.raf.mod.uk/careers

Last edited by OASC; 8th Jun 2011 at 13:09.
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