PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - What is your most memorable airshow and why
Old 9th Aug 2002, 20:33
  #61 (permalink)  
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It's a tough choice. As previously mentioned 'The Last Lightning Show' was excellent, as was the RIAT '77' which was combined with the NATO Tiger Meet producing lots of lovely F-104s. The first appearance of the MiG 29s at Farnborough was pretty special, as was my first sight of the A300 fly-by-wire demonstrator. Such a large aircraft/slow pass / high angle of attack, prompted those 'you can't do that thoughts...However, my favourite moment has to be at The Battle of Britain 60th anniversary show at Duxford in September 2000. I was standing on the flightline with two 'BoB' vets when a pair of Hurricanes made a slow pass from left to right. The p/a system was blasting out the key moments of Winston's 'fight them on the beaches' speech. Being the sentimental old fool that I am, and being in the company of these particular two gents with two Merlins and Winnie playing in the background made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. We were all 'glued' to the Hurris, and as they passed us - one vet sighed and muttered 'you beauties'. It was a special moment...