Old 16th Jul 2010, 09:36
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OASC Bulletin 18

In the last bulletin, John had completed all aspects of the Selection Process at the OASC and was waiting for notification as to whether he had been successful or not. He also knew that he would need the ‘all clear’ from his blood tests, ECG and the primary care questionnaire that was sent to his GP. This week, we conclude the OASC aspect of the selection process.

After a wait of about 3 weeks*, John received a letter from the OASC. This stated that he had been provisionally selected for commissioned entry to the Royal Air Force leading to a Permanent Commission as a pilot. The letter went on to say that the provisional offer was subject to attainment of a suitable security clearance, confirmation of his medical fitness and the maintenance of his personal physical fitness level sufficient to meet the required standard (Amber) of the Fitness Assessment to be conducted during a forthcoming Familiarisation Visit. Pending final approval of his entry, a place had been provisionally reserved on a forthcoming IOT and that, when his clearances were successfully processed, he would be notified of his terms of entry and conditions of service. The letter also made it very clear that John should not terminate any employment with a current employer until he had received his final confirmation of entry.

Next, the letter outlined the Familiarisation Visit that all candidates had to attend. It stated that, during the Visit, he would be given a better idea of the Initial Officer Training (IOT) Course and the RAF College facilities. He would also be fitted and issued with boots so that he could break them in prior to commencing IOT. However, the main emphasis was on the fitness assessment, which highlighted that all candidates would be expected to undertake a similar fitness test to that taken during OASC, except the 1.5 mile run would be conducted outside on this occasion. All candidates were advised that maximum effort was expected and the levels that needed to be achieved were outlined in the ‘Fit to lead’ booklet. Further briefings and advice on how to train successfully prior to IOT would be given by the physical education staff.

The letter concluded by outlining timings and kit to bring followed by a request to fill in an enclosed Familiarisation Visit form and return it using an envelope, also enclosed. With the letter was John’s OASC Board Report and debrief. John filled in his form carefully and sent it back to the OASC straight away and then took the time to read through the feedback that he received about his performance during the OASC selection process. While he waited for the Familiarisation Visit date to arrive, John continued to work very hard on increasing his fitness levels to prepare himself for the fitness assessment and IOT.

* 3 weeks is the earliest you would be notified; however, it could be up to 12 weeks depending on the competition from other candidates for you particular branch choice(s). You should only contact the OASC if you have not heard after 12 weeks from the date of your OASC Board.

Next week, we will follow John through the Familiarisation Visit before leaving him to go start his IOT course.

For more information regarding any of these areas highlighted, please contact your AFCO and they will be able to give you more detailed information regarding specific cases.

Please note that, although OASC will endeavour to answer generic questions that arise, we will not be engaging or commenting on individual cases. In those cases, the individual is advised to contact their nearest AFCO who will be able to deal with any queries. All information published is for information only.

Information regarding a career in the RAF can be found at http://www.raf.mod.uk/careers
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