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Old 22nd Apr 2010, 14:17
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PIMP: A shady guy that has a mixed reputation. He assures you that he can find you a beautiful woman to make you happy for long time. Me love you long time type. His reputation is mixed from his previous clients but you sound convinced by his tempting offers.

HER: A Western beautiful blonde woman with a perfect figure. The kind of girl you've seen throughout your teenage life and wanted to be with. The Pimp tells you many good things about her and that she will let you play with ALL her 'toys' as soon as you're ready.

YOU: A fresh young man with all the hopes in the world for romance. You haven't got the money for the pimp, but your desire to be with her means you don't even worry about taking out a big loan.

THE LUST: You pay the pimp as soon as your old enough to be with a woman. It all seems well. He takes you to exotic places like Jerez, Phoenix Arizona, New Zealand and Florida. He shows you all the ways to please her. After many months of hard work, you are finally ready for her! It's LOVE!

The pimp introduces you to her. You are very excited to be finally there. You play with ALL her toys and you even get some money from her because you're that good. She wants you to please her. She wants you so much during the summer... it must be the heat. It's LOVE!

THE REALITY: Although you love playing with her 'toys' and pleasing her, the pleasure soon turns to sour reality. The bank are knocking on your door for the money you owe them. The pimp is protected from the blame, all you can do is complain and try warn other young lustful hopefuls.

You have a massive hole in your bank account that will take at least a decade to fully heal. You begin to think 'i'm not doing so bad'. Then the months get cold. She doesn't want you to please her as much. Her toys are not used as much in the cold months. You find all the other clients she is pleased by are more experienced. She wants them to please her. You get dropped. She tells you to come back next summer. You are very angry at this point. Hopeless even. You begin to look for other girls but they are all occupied. You turn to other girls in a completely different district. None of them are the same. They aren't as pretty. They aren't HER! They don't pay much and their toys aren't the same toys!

Moral: Should have followed your mate with the Asian fetish

Last edited by StandardToaster; 22nd Apr 2010 at 14:58.
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