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Old 12th Jul 2002, 09:24
  #8 (permalink)  
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Oh come on Beagle don't get on your high horse, I'm not looking for a fight here!

I have just completed my JAR-PPL. The syllabus is identical down the exercise numbers!!! The skills test form (forget the number) the QXC form are the same as the ones if just dropped off at aviation house! although they may have new codes on them of course!!

The only difference I can see is the completion of a "Nav test" before the QXC (which is 50 miles less, apart from that no "bloody" different) which incidently I think is an excellent idea, although the fact that the Navigation Skills Test and the GST don't count to the 32 hours means you probably do nearer 37hours (I'm sure not a deliberate misguidance) to get your minimum time NPPL.

If there are other differences please explain them to me Beagle, I am always willing to stand corrected. As I interpret it there are no cost savings to be made from this to make "flying more affordable" becasue you are doing the same things as a JAR PPL - I completed mine in 45hrs, now I could have passed in 32hrs, but only with a bit of luck and bit of blagging! After 45hours I was completly ready for my test, passed it with comfort and no blagging - I learnt a lot of stuff in my last 13hours that "nailed" my flying and made me safer. Doesn't this worry you that someone is now in a position where they could "blag" their way through a skills test and prematurly qualify as a pilot? I think the odds of this are more likely with this NPPL.

Anyway I digress a bit. My remarks were not puerile and uninformed. All I needed to make an informed judgment was to compare and contrast the NPPL documents with the FCL docs for the JAR-PPL. Over and above that I did my PPL becasue I was encouraged to by family, friends and their collegues who populate the corridors of Belgrano. I may be a flying novice, but I'm in no way uniformed.

At a first glance Beagle I'd say you guys achieved in 14 meetings what could've been worked out in about 3. As for making flying more affordable to more people. If that's your objective then I suspect your aims will not be achieved. If someone has enough disposable income to afford 32 hours instruction they probably have enough to afford (or enough creditworthyness!) 45.

[extra comment]

no I didn't add my comments - when the documents were circulated I was still into fags and beers rather than flying. My school however objected.
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