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Old 11th Jan 2010, 14:47
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Dovrei andare il FL scuola approvata JAA e riconosciuta in UK a fare il JAA ME/CPL ma prima devo "convertire" o meglio cambiar lo stato di emissione della mia licenza teorica JAA ATPL e mi sembra di aver capito anche la visita medica di 1 classe
chi puo farmi capire come funziona?
la UK CAA mi ha risposto cosi( LASORS;GENERAL INFORMATION;PAG 9 pOINT A8):

JAR-FCL Theoretical Knowledge Exams completed in another JAA Member State (other than the UK)
The UK CAA will recognise a valid pass in JAR-FCL Theoretical Knowledge Examinations (except PPL ) completed in another JAA Member State towards the issue of a UK JAR-FCL Licence.
This is subject to the applicant completing a course of flying training and testing at a UK approved Flying Training Organisation.

In addition the applicant will require written confirmation from the Authority of the other JAA Member State confirming that the theoretical knowledge course of instructions was conducted by a JAA approved training provider,the examinations taken were in accordance with JAR FCL, and that they have no objection with the UK being the STATE of LICENCE ISSUE.

This confirmation shall be submissed to the UK CAA at the time the licence issue together with copies of the appropriate JAR FCL Theoretical Knowledge Examinations and a copy of the JAA Approval Certificate for the training provider which completed the theretical knowledge instruction.
Applicants will also be required to obtain a UK issued JAR FCL Medical Certificate.

Io ho capito che dpvrei mandare al loro indirizzo copia del certificato che mi ha lasciato ENAC del superamento delle 14 materie, copia del cert.medico,o meglio un modulo da compilare sul sito della CAA e forse vogliono anche la certificazione della scuola dove ho fatto i corso ,che attestino che sono un FTO JAR e che io abbia fatto le 650 ore teoriche previste...

Mi potete confermare o farmi capire che c'è da fare!

Last edited by bedix84; 11th Jan 2010 at 15:04.
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