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Old 16th Oct 2009, 17:10
  #587 (permalink)  
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Lot's of emotion in there FH1100 Pilot, sounds like you have some spunk!!

"Condescending, insulting, sarcastic and trivial"!!??? Wow, did I really do that?? Hhhmm, guess all I can say is what goes around comes around. Yes I know my post count isn't nearly up to the astounding levels of others on this fine message board, guess that lowers my credibility even more in your eyes, I'll try to do better, promise. Guess I don't like posting if it's made up of conjecture, rumor, false information, or just plain stupidity.....whoops, there I go again being mean.

Now FH1100 you said in your last post that you like being proved wrong. Well, like I said, I spent considerable effort on another message board countering your claims some time ago and yet you wouldn't accept any of my contradictions even though I put a lot of effort in my responses. That hurt my feelings. But more than that it proved to me that despite your assertions, you refuse to be proven wrong....come on, admit to that little fib, come on now.

The truth is that you guys simply won't listen to our counter-arguments. No matter what information we present to you it's not enough, you'll simply find some other angle or attack us personally. Been there, done that. That has happened more than a few times on this thread alone, not to mention other threads. It's become your standard operating procedure, you call us liars, crooks, cheaters, all of that unsavory stuff........don't try to deny it boys because there's plenty of evidence of it on here.

And by the way, yes I could give you responses to the points you made in your last post but once again......IT'S A PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD. Didn't they have OPSEC when you were in the military FH1100??

Well anyway, can't we all just get along?
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