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Old 10th May 2002, 23:05
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He's not one of those we know to be a Pruning journo, and other posts suggest that he's serving.

No problem with service personnel expressing an opinion while this is still quite so theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural and speculative, surely? It doesn't yet run the risk of running counter to declared national policy - so I can see no harm in people discussing this - except to themselves if they can be identified.

I am a journo, however, and personally I think there are two aspects to this - justification and wisdom. Further action against Iraq may or may not be justified (depends entirely on what parameters are used to justify such action) but while the UK and USA are so clearly seen as supporting Israel during its ongoing Kickskrieg against the Palestinians, any military action against Iraq may be unwise, and may risk alienating our remaining Arab friends and allies.

Re justification, on one level, Saddam Hussein is an evil tyrant who deserves to be unseated. On the other hand, will military action achieve that? If it does, is there a viable alternative? Will military action increase or decrease stability in the region? Will it do anything to ameliorate the suffering of the Iraqi people? How will it serve wider Western interests? Will military action reduce or increase the danger from Iraq's WMDs? In Desert Storm a campaign aimed only at ejecting Iraqi forces from Kuwait gave Saddam a powerful reason not to provoke a more massive allied reaction, whereas a campaign aimed at his removal might remove this restraint?

Moreover, all of the reasons for acting against Iraq are long term and historic, so one must ask what immediate justification is there for attacking (evidence for Iraqi support of Al Qaeda seems limited)? To act against Iraq while ignoring what Israel is doing seems inconsistent (which is fine) and perhaps even immoral (which is not).

I offer no answers, only questions, and must say that my gut reaction is that action against the Iraqi leadership (but not Iraq) is morally justified, but may not be practical or even desirable.

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