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Old 16th Apr 2009, 01:03
  #18 (permalink)  
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and my licences cover over 200 plus different types of Aircraft and Engine combinations from DC7's through Flying boats to the smallest puddle jumpers, both on Part M or Section L licences covering piston and turbine aircraft including C and Nominated privileges.....
OK I'm prepared to believe that someone is clever enough to actually study that many types, and pass the exams, but how do you get that much experience on type in 33 years?

I merely ask for information.
You don't, plain and simple, under the Section L you went for groups, such as 5.5 and 6.3 and you then needed 2 types to get the group ( now it is 3) they covered you under groups for all those aircraft and engines etc in the group such as pressurised metal below 5700 KG and all unpressurised which includes all singles as well (5.5).... when you converted to Part 66 all piston engines are added to your Part 66 licence and any oddities over the weight limit but on your group rating are added as types, so DC7 DC6 DC4 DC3 etc operating in EASA as well as a load of Russian stuff get added to your licence, additionally anything now requiring a special course but previously covered under your ratings also get added............ strange as it seems but under section L I was covered for them as well because that is the way it works, to be honest you do not totally know what you are covered nowadays for as they kept amending the lists, so even though when my licence was issued ( 3rd time around for inital issue with corrections) Aircraft that were put down as not being covered were subsequently added to my licence, but some that were added were removed from the grouping, but I gave up sending it back after the third attempt as it kept changing......... even now the lists make not a lot of sense to me. Other oddities were Diesels as Section L introduced them as a seperate group rating but EASA added them as Piston Engines ( Sensible and I had this conversation at the time to no avail with a CAA surveyor, he said "Modern TECHNOLOGY" I said "hmmmm Zeppelins in WW1 had them" ) Some of the stuff on my licence I looked up on Google as I had never heard of them, but they were on there under Section L as well, you just never realised the scope of your coverage.

Oddly enough when you read link below the DC3 etc has been moved to Annex 2, so they will reissue a section L to those people that have it LOL, does it not beggar belief..... Mine is in for renewal as we speak, perhaps I should of waited and possibly got it on the cheap oops forgot this is the CAA we are talking about

This is the current type and group ratings.


Last edited by NutLoose; 16th Apr 2009 at 01:16.
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