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Old 5th May 2002, 19:33
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Nicely researched XFO, it's important mis-information does not get accepted as fact by someone acting in the Know. It's funny that someone apparently supporting CD should actually be the one to bring up this prime example of CD proceeding with an agreement with little regard for the CC reps stated objectives or the negotiation process. His henchman Merv G, shows equal ability in authoritarian practises. But then I suppose that's just me being cynical, like I really have a lot to gain by this Election.

Unlike MG however, I would like to take this time to apologise.....
I admit to overeacting in wanting due notification and a fair General Secretary Election process, as if it's even important to vote for the head of our pilot's union given their great results over the last decade. And then to overact to the Chairman's letter who was clearily annoyed at having an Election forced upon him by a few pesky members. To top it off, I then overacted to our Chairman's unapologetic second letter, declaring himself clear of wrongdoing(at our expense) by doing something as rash as holding a Democratic POLL asking how many people think he overstepped his position. For this I am truly guilty.

Edited 6 May.
I stand corrected, Poll still stands, just moved.Go to Poll

I am also guilty, as a humble pilot, of questioning why it seems the top of our union not-so subtley tried to suppress the democratic process by not notifying us by letter that the GS position was up for re-election. Costs ? - then why can the chairman then send each member a letter(2times)off his own back without reprimand(surely MG's letters were not as important as notifying members that the position of head of our union was up for re-election?). Just when I thought that perhaps I was just imagining a conspiracy to re-instate CD, I received MG's 1st letter confirming my first suspicions.

I have been trying to show people that those at the top of our union are comfortable with the status quo. The status quo being an ever-increasing membership and personal pay whilst decreasing real pay and conditions for the pilots they represent. Ask yourself what I have to gain by saying I feel us pilots are being duped. I am not a rep and never have been. But some people were to gain if CD was re-instated, the status quo. Why have I arroused such anger just for wanting a fair election and a head office who realises I might want to know when the position for head of my union is up for re-election in case I have the audacity to actually vote given 1% of my earnings go to the union ?

At the end of the day, we are all Pilots whatever outfit. When are we as a group going to take back our rightful status from the airline's CV-builders, beancounters and those in BALPA's head office who have failed to protect us over the past 10years.

Last edited by airrage; 6th May 2002 at 16:49.
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