PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - GAMA Puff Piece In P1 Magazine. Naughty, Naughty.
Old 26th Feb 2009, 11:10
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Ooops, my post was meant to be tongue in cheek. Must use the emoticon thingies more often.

Daifly. Didn't realise those in the glass offices had told you off. Sorry

Innflight. I understand copyright, the photographer would have needed TAG's permission. Something that I doubt they'd have got TAG known how the writer was going to use the photo. That's all dreadfully serious and gloomy stuff though so let's not dwell on it.

Instead let's turn to page 19 of said publication and the article titled "Banner Year For Air Partner". Now where was that a month or so ago when some oik whose name escapes me started a thread bashing Air Partner? Then again if, as the article claims, AP made so much money how come their shares are down so much*? See what happens when I venture into serious subjects? I get confused.

As for the magazine if there were an award for upbeat journalism they'd get it. They've also included a handy little section on new aircraft listing performance, range, price and the like so when those pesky passengers ask "What's that one over there and how high/fast/far can it go?" I can whip it out (oooer) and dazzle them with my knowledge.

* I know, I know. The world economy, global warming, carbon arseprints, Bob Geldof, Bono, Feed The Welsh etc.