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Old 19th Jan 2009, 18:15
  #144 (permalink)  
Sinndar girl
Join Date: Jan 2009
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HI everyone

I just would like to introduce myself in the Aviation worls and say mine about all the rumors ,noice,preconcept,vague assumtion and all the rest that people,staff,ex staff newcomer ans people who is still dreaming to work in Aviation may Come out with.

I say we all have to cope ON and stop wiging about Ryan Air!
I mean The more i read the more i think that majority of the comments are from people who has got no Caracter offaceing the hard truth about WORKING hard!!

I worked all my life nearly and i DID work for very unpleasent Boss ,bad pays, bad jobs,bad collegues, places where Culture and intellectual Growt arent part of ur world and not exspected anytime soon.
U get so Use to be umiliated and treated as a slave and as a working machine that U dont think u can do better..
But is LIFE..
Life and experience come togheter to give us all the chance to improve!!!

I got a job wt Ryan Yes!!
I ama new comer with a LOT of experiences about bad JOB and Bad pay.
I worked Fisical as Groom in Race yard couse i have passion for horses but i also worked in the hospitality industry for years!!

I knowhow hard people can be ..WE can be Hard in other people!!
We ae all connected to each others and IF we learn to except things for what they are and think positive we are WINNERS!!

I am So proud i passed my exams,i am proud i finally made it !
Ryan Air is as good or bad as YOU make it.
Its this what life should teach us all .
To be Indipendent and strong when we THINK and CHOOSE.
i bet a lot of people just listen to people who got saket or people who DID NOT like this job after all...
We all need to start somewhere and this is a good start who will be hard indeed but will give us experience,skill and also make us realy think if this is what we want to do!!!

If u cant stay positive in whiting urself U will never be ale to do ANY job...couse belive me guys....
This job is not worst than work for a butcher or a baker or a shop or a cleaner and make exactely the same money and NOT being able to make a CAREER choise of growth!!

I think ifu are a winger u should stay at home and go to colledge untill u are 40 and wait for life to start before u die..

Stop this craziness of talking rubbish about Ryan Air.None forc Us to be there and if u didnt realize NONE will take someone who hasnt got at Least " years experience as a CCM.
Every jobs have the good and the bad...we just have to learn how to cope wt it with intelligence and diplomacy.

When U work for 13 hours for 7 days a week under snow,rain storm, cold and with people who do not consider u Human ...u learn how to preciate that our training is a very high skilled one, that this job isnt for COMUNE thinker or for people who just looks at the money site..

Did u actually check how much u get payed for any other job who will not give u a future carrer????? Did YOU realy?
We need to study all the time,learn,understand,teach and also be srong and ready...we need to be realistic and also..i love the fact Its hard...couse this make me mre stronger and willing to win and do better!!

So even if u worked for Ryan for the past 6 monts and u had enough this is YOU!!
Not the company Not the Staff! NOt ur CCS!!
U decide to be a winner or a Looser..

so lets get REA people and help each other....couse life isnt just Ryan Air...
Life it s all it comes with our choises..and changes.
I think i say mine now....
Best of luck to all new comer and as well the best of luck to all of Us who will not complain but trying to make the best of what we ARE..
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