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Old 7th May 2001, 05:59
  #67 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Outcome of EGM of 2nd May:

There is a mixed feeling amongest the members of ALPA-S here in SQ.
Some feel that the best has been achieved, others feel betrayed.
Many a time I feel is it really worth having a pilots' association in this island state. Earlier 92% of the member pilots had voted against accepting the proposed CA. 4 months later, 82% of the member pilots have voted for accepting the same CA.
It appears that these are not the members who control their mind and thought, actually their mind and thought are controlled by someone external forces.

Lot more is left to be answered like:
--- who were the people advocating against the proposed CA in January.
--- Who were the people came out with the thought of approaching the minister to resolve the impasse over IAC and CA.
--- who are the people calling for an EGM for giving the mandate to Executive Council of ALPA-S to accept the CA.
--- Who were the people advertising so vigorously among the pilots that they should not waste their vote on the 2nd of May. I have never seen such kind of compaign in FCC about not wasting your vote (not even during the elections of ALPA-S)
--- who are the people to gain the max. out of the CA.

It appears the whole game is stage managed here in SQ by few people. The members have no thought of their own. They all are so scared to air their views anywhere on the island. These so called people had created fear-psychosis in the minds of the pilots in January and once again in in May now. Wake up you guys have your own thoughts.

Understands that when we voted against the CA in January the "Generals" in the management thought the same way as if they were still in the armed forces and this was the mutiny and revolt by the soldiers. This mutiny had to be crushed and lesson taught to the soldiers for the days to come. Well they have done so and are victorious.

We all have sealed our fate by voting for the CA on 2nd May. SQ as a company has gained every thing in the years to come.
In future whenever new CA has to be signed there should be no negotiations (to avoid wasting time). The CA should be presented to the Exe. Council for signature and if not signed, you know the the shape of the things to come. So guys we have shown that we don't exists.

Its high time that the ALPA-S office should be closed down and we all can even save the membership fee what we are paying to the ALPA-s.

Havean was not going to fall for us if IAC would have decided the fate of the CA. Whatever stand we had taken should have been maintained. This would have been better and we would have remained united. Unity and integrity is paramount to the existance of any association. Now what have we done, for few thousands dollers, we have sold the unity and integrity of ALPA-S for the years to come. The world pilots' bodies are progressing from where to where. Let us look at our fate. Certainly this is no way to run an association. As it is earlier there was a divide in the union. We guys on 744 never thought that the A-310 crowd ever existed in the ALPA-S but now we have demonstrated that none of us exist. Its a total SHAME. The executive council of ALPA-s, we should buy them bangles and should hang our head in shame ........