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Old 17th Nov 2008, 08:21
  #14 (permalink)  
Al R
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I agree with Chuggers.

Applying exploitative, commercially driven sentiment that is specifically intended to harrow, will result in a counterproductive backlash. Just because some luvvie at the BBC has picked up the Corporate Reponsibility vibe from Tessa Jowell waving that fat cheque and realised that they can enhance their place on the greasy pole, should not mean that it should be leapt at, lemming like. We remember in our own ways, and where is the place in that process that demands we can only do that if we have an camera crew there to record it? Nothing goes out of fashion quicker than fashion and I wish we would rise above this, for 2 reasons. Firstly, long term effectiveness and secondly, good taste.

I am all for good programming which reminds us of the past, and causes us to be respectful. But to show family weeping at new graves is mawkish and I suspect, gets through the editor's meetings because there is a contemporary, political undertone to it. If we want people to learn about those who died in our name, please.. isn't that what history classes at school are for? Why aren't there more moves to enhance exposure on the National Curriculum? Possibly, because its not as glam? ****, sorry - I forgot - schoolkids are to busy being taught by moppish liberals these days about sex and drugs.

By taking the issue of 11/11 off the moral mantle it previously held and giving it a short sighted and inneffective HELLO! makeover, we are exposing it to the rigours of commercialism. In 'x' months/years, the public will want to move on. Then what? This whole issue (and by that, I include issues such as Help for heroes) has been handled in a cackhanded manner. We need to take lessons from the Chinese in this - this should be a 100 year project, not a short term sprint. It should be like building a house.. we should still be sucking through our teeth and considering the footings are in sufficiently good order to last a century or more, and not topping out because we're on deadline and a someone is shouting in our earpieces to hurry up.

I don't mean to offend anyone involved, I really don't. I respect totally, your sense of loss, the dignity you show and I can only hazard a guess at how much you must be grieving still.
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