PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Incident in Jersey
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Old 24th Sep 2008, 11:59
  #24 (permalink)  
Duck Rogers
Posts: n/a
From time to time is does us all good to refresh our memories as to what we can and cannot write in places such as this. I'm all for free speech but the internet does not give us carte blanche. In theory any of us can be called upon to back up our statements (allegations?) if those who feel sleighted (correctly spelled, feel free to Google) have deep enough pockets and good enough lawyers.

In this instance I removed the post to give the poster time to reflect. Believe it or not I try to keep people out of trouble where I think things have been written in the heat of the moment or late at night after Baccus has visited. If they are sure that's what they wanted to write and can back it up when the MiB come knocking that's fine by me providing it does not drag PPRuNe into the resulting melee.

Lecture over. Here's your ball back. Play on.