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Old 31st Dec 2001, 01:23
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It is a known fact that in 1947 Kashmir decided it wanted to stay with India. Before then it was a majority Hindu area but since there has been an influx of Muslims who have driven out the Hindus either through conversion or terrorism. I was in India this summer and witnessed for myself a similar thing happening in Gujarat by the Pakistani border. After the devastating earthquake this year, many Hindus have moved away and there has suddenly been an increase in the number of Muslims from Pakistan who are moving in.

Now lets take Bradford (a city in the UK for those who dont know) for example. Lets say that one day in the future it becomes a majority Muslim city purely due to the fact that the muslim community has settled and grown there and this community then decides that they would like it to become an independant Muslim state. Do you think that the english government would allow a plebiscite since it is only fair that the people should decide??

I know that's a very crude example and i dont wish to cause offense, but then it is also a known fact that there is an islamic group in the UK that is fighting for an independant islamic state in this country.

The indian government has also never stated that it is prepared to use nuclear weapons against pakistan. The media talks as if india is a child with a new toy. India developed its nuclear technology entirely on its own, using its own scientists when america refused to give them the technology to do so (whilst america is sitting on a huge arsenal of nuclear warheads which is obvioulsy ok). Pakistan in response got a little worried and therefore went to China to get its nuclear technology in response.

India is a huge country with thousands of years of history compared to the 50 odd years that Pakistan has been around. Last year i understand it had one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Yes india is still quite a dysfunctional place, still trying to stamp out corruption etc, but they are not stupid people. To date, has this 'nationalist' government done anything extreme (like introduce a taliban-style autocratic form of rule based on hatred and bigotry for example? Sorry another crude example!). There are more muslims living in India than there are in Pakistan, who have been living in india without oppression or forced conversion to hinduism for hundreds of years.

Pakistan must stop condoning the terrorism that is occuring in Kashmir under the ridiculous guise of freedom fighting.
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