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Old 22nd Apr 2001, 22:49
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Another aspect you might want to consider is the quality of life in Norway. Financially it is very very high, but there are other considerations.

Now I generalise and what I have experienced is valid for the region around Oslo only, but there is a lot of truth in the following:
  • Norwegians mistrust and dislike foreigners, so making new friends is virtually impossible. Even your GF's friends will find you "foreign" after the novelty value has worn off. If you did not go to school with them, forget it.
  • Norwegians do not communicate in the public arena. Do not expect to strike up a conversation waiting for the train or the bus. Shopkeepers will not recognize you or talk to you even if you've frequented their shop for years and years. They are enough to themselves and do not "chat" to strangers.
  • While they say "thank you for the food" and "thanks for the ride" they will walk into you without a word of apology on the street, smash the door in your face without second thoughts, bump into your shins with their shopping carts and not utter even the smallest of apologies. They consider themselves polite, but it's not politeness as the rest of the world knows it.
  • Spontaneously dropping into a Norwegian's house is frowned upon. Appointments are made well in advance, and don't expect to be able to gather a group of people on the spur of the moment for a p!ss-up.
  • While it's perfectly all-right to get falling-down drunk at a formal dinner party during the X-mas season, having a glass of cognac on a monday evening is considered incipient alcoholism. Drinking during daytime/weekdays is not looked upon with favour. Drinking in connection with any sports-event is a big NO-NO! Drinking where there are kids present is also a major breach of Norwegian etiquette.
  • Anything having to with sex is considered smut. Porn is banned from tv, and the whole country is repressed. That is, until they cross the bridge into Sweden where they buy themselves silly.
  • The price of meat is beyond belief, vegetables are not much better. Another reason for them to flock to shops in Sweden and Denmark. Not to mention the price of anything containing alcohol.....

So Gravox, of course there are lots of very good things about this country as well, but knowing how Norwegians abroad can wax lyrical about the Old Country, I'm sure your GF will have told you all about them!

If you like fresh air, a high material standard of living and peace & quiet, Norway is the place.
If you enjoy other people's company and an informal social life, look elsewhere.

Hope this helps.