PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - how did u get your first job?? other than instructing
Old 29th Jul 2008, 15:25
  #11 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Pure Luck and Little Money

A little background for all. The abridged version.

Worked at BAC on the " White Elephant" (Concorde) and got the old PPL cheaply at Bristol. (9 pounds an hour, BAC had a deal with Bristol and Wessex Flying Club)
Gathered all my money (350 pounds) and headed west to California. At the end of Plank training a certain Jack Brennan convinced me to get a Helicopter licence and his company would welcome me back on the old sod with riches beyond my wildest dreams.
Sooooo I learned to hover, not gracefully but stayed in the field designated just for me.
Returned to the old sod broke but cap in hand and ready to make my fortune at the big "B".

Ah but wait their is more.

Didn't we tell you you need a British CPL before we can hire you?
We didn't oh sorry, well run along and do that for us old chap.

I returned to Bristol and as usual every Thursday morning I went to the store, scanned the want ads in Flight International (didn't buy it).

I looked at the sponsor section and thought these people want someone to pay for their training, I already have mine maybe this would put me ahead of the game.

So with my last 7 pounds 50p I placed an ad looking for a sponsor.

It came out the following Thursday and on the Friday I had a call. The company hired me, got a validation on my FAA licence and after a hairaising week flying with a gentleman who's last name is linked to the captain of the Bounty (of Mutiny fame) and who was also having a bad case of gout at the time sent me off to learn the hard way.

That was more than 35 years ago but not much has changed, well maybe its a little more than 9 pounds an hour now but everything is relevent.

Luck played a huge part in my start but for those who may be wondering if its all worth it and keep getting rejected just keep bashing away and don't give up. Your turn will come.

Oh and after all these years guess who I work for (well the group anyway)

Fly safe mate.
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