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Old 17th Jul 2008, 14:01
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Part of the problem...

Way back when, there was a high-profile incident in Lagos when a Nigeria Airways A310 ended up in the mud off the end of 19L. The local papers were full of praise for the heroic crew attempting to land in such near-impossible conditions! That they had written off 25% of the nation's A310 fleet through a chain of silly mistakes, well...

Another one bit the dust (well, mud really but never mind that now) right there at DNPO, attempting to land in a tropical downpour. It was finally repaired but it certainly looked a bit second-hand after a trip through the monsoon ditch. Again, this did not call for any searching inquiries.

I have no information about the facts of this latest incident but the same mindset seems to be operating as the one I always knew... As long as there are not bodies scattered all over the place, hey, what is the problem? It is just another incident. Get the "boys" to scrub the mud off and you are good to go. Who would want to upset the status quo with any awkward questions about operating standards, whether the new runway drains adequately and has enough grip, whether the aircraft's brakes and tires were in good condition... all that boring stuff that such an incident would provoke in the First World.

Of course going through all the palaver might prevent future loss of life but in the context of modern Nigeria does anyone seriously expect that to occur?

You know the sort of stupid questions this raises, such as, "Is Chanchangi really an 'airline' in the full sense of the term? That is to say, they have an in-depth safety program, for instance? They can even afford such a thing?"

"Does the NCAA have enough inspectors to supervise all the carriers now operating in Nigeria, do you think?" There is another good one, eh? By "inspector" here I don't mean someone's nephew but a person who is trained and motivated to do his or her safety-critical job. Sort of like Mrs Chikwe, only better!

My loose and partially-informed opinions in this are not worth much but what does ICAO think of such incidents? I hope they keep an eye on whether this one and similar ones get properly looked into. Nothing against this or that Nigerian operator, just that it might save a few lives to stick to the rules. (I got "Nigerian" and "stick to the rules" in the same sentence there. Next we try our hand at stand-up comedy, I think. Wish me luck.)
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