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Old 15th Jul 2008, 03:38
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rob rilly
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Report from Union, and Crew

Got this today, turns out to be a two engine failure, not three. Still, a miracle they survived.

Dear Fellow Kalitta Air Crewmembers from your Captain Representative:

When I accepted the position of Captains representative, I did so
because I felt the need to help. I never imagined that "helping"
would included visiting fellow crewmembers in the hospital, but that
is what myself and Bill Gonzales and Dan Gardner, along with Gene
Sowell have been doing here in Bogota, Columbia for the last few
days. We have been here representing the Union, your Union, and doing
whatever is needed for the guys, including helping them dress. I can
tell you first hand that these guys went through hell and have the
bruises to show for it! This crew, all of them, did everything
possible in the face of extreme adversity.

What I can tell you now, I will as follows; The operating crew was
Bryant Beebe as Capt., Ivan Danka as F/O, Joe Kendall as F/E. Steve
Szynkowski was sitting in the aft observers seat. The two loadmaster,
Mo & Jimmy were sitting on the left and Frank Holly & Richard Dunlap
were on the right. Everything, life, was normal until just after
rotation. It was then, as described in all accounts, the number four
engine failed. Immediately, as briefed and as set up on the FMS Fix
page, the crew proceeded with the "special engine out procedure".
However before any checklist could be accomplished or turns back to
the airport, it appears that number one engine failed. It was then
that years of experience demonstrated by cool and matter of fact
thinking lead them to the "dark spot" on the ground. Everyone knew
what was happening, that they would soon be landing "off airport"
because they just didn't have the thrust to get them back. All they
could do was not stall the airplane and try and hit wings level in
the shallowest descent possible and that is what happened. The impact
and the seconds following were described as surreal. When things came
to a stop reality set in and now all that mattered was getting out
and getting the injured to the hospital. As you can imagine
everything was in a disarray. The ceiling was now the floor, the "L"
windows were now the "R" windows and there was no discernible way
out. Frank Holly used a fire extinguisher and the the crash ax after
it was located, to bust out the L1 window. Steve, Joe and Bryant were
removed via a backboard and the others exited on their on and were
all taken to the hospital. Amazingly, Mo & Jimmy were basically
unhurt while Frank had slight injuries and Richard was pinned in his
seat until the rescue workers were able to free him. Richard suffers
from large and numerous bruises, a fractured lumbar and tail bone.
Bryant initially walked on his own to the back to check on everyone
else after releasing himself from his seat upside down but soon
discovered that he had moderate back injuries and is now physically
recovering as expected, but wearing a back brace. Ivan broke his nose
again and was readmitted to the hospital only to discover that he has
a cracked lumbar and is in a back brace. The nurses say, in Spanish,
he looks like a Panda Bear and I told them to stay away from Bears.
Steve severely injured his back/spine. He is very alert but in pain
and will be facing a long recovery period in which his mobility is in
question. I was able to spend over 30 minutes alone with him and
assured him that if he needed his house in Atlanta modified so he can
get around that WE would see to it. Now Joe. Joe was injured the
worst and was found out of his seat lying on the ceiling, conscience.
He was given the portable O2 mask and First Aid rendered. Joe had
surgery as previously reported and is in a induced coma to aid in his
healing. We all know Joe as a strong, tough, stubborn guy and with
OUR PRAYERS and the excellent care he is receiving he will recover.
The next 48 hours will tell a lot and hopefully all can be
transported back to the USA soon as to ease the burden on their
families, who are all here now.

Guys, all I can say is PLEASE PRAY for Joe, Steve, Bryant, Ivan,
Richard, Frank, Mo and Jimmy. Pray for their physical well being as
well as their emotional well being. What they experienced, I wish on
no one. There is guilt over the lives lost on the ground and what
effect this will have on OUR company. When able I will get addresses
for all so you can express your feelings to them. Also don't forget
that Bob, Steve and Luis from 704 went through similar feelings and a
word of encouragement to all of them would be nice.



Mack McCurry

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