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Old 3rd Jul 2008, 13:01
  #79 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Long lay-off......oh dear!

They say that aviation accidents are caused more by a combination of disparate random factors coming together, rather than one straightforward cause. Well, I feel that about actually getting to fly. The number of things that have to go my way before I can fly is mind-boggling. If it's not running the kids somewhere (kids! - one's 21, the other's 18) it's the weather playing silly b*ggers. Anyway, I last flew exactly a month ago and it wasn't very frequent before that.

Nevertheless, the right incantations were spoken today and all looked good for my second solo navex: Headcorn - Canterbury - Rochester - Headcorn. Bruce thought about my lack of currency but decided I was safe, even with a 10 knot crosswind. So, off I went. I must say I wasn't really nervous but I felt rather rusty during taxy-out.

I climbed out to Staplehurst to set out from there as usual but after a few minutes things just did not feel right. I knew that after a few minutes I had to negotiate the gliding field at Challock, but there was no sign. I knew I was heading eastwards- that was ok - but I had the distinct feeling my actual course was wrong somehow. Was the wind stronger than forecast? Did I set the DI wrongly? I now think it was a case of flying to the wrong numbers on the DI because I ended up a few miles further north than I should have been. I wasn't unduly worried because I knew if I couldn't find Canterbury I had real problems! Canterbury duly came up; a few minutes late after my unplanned diversion. So, mentally red-faced I settled down for my next leg, to Rochester.

Much better now. I picked up on my cues early and kept bang on track. Now came the dreaded radio call. I'd been rehearsing this for weeks and the moment had arrived for me to sign off from Headcorn and introduce myself to Rochester. A little screwing up of courage.....then I did it. Smooth as silk! I arrived over the airfield about a minute later than advertised but I didn't think they'd mind that. I was feeling good now. (Note to glider pilots - there was some stonking lift about. At one point my stubby little Cessna was shooting up at about 7-800 fpm. I was so-o-o-o tempted to chop the power and start circling....)

Turned onto course for Headcorn and once again checked everything I could to establish myself. In no time I could see the airfield and I was back in the circuit. I remembered flap this time () and the crosswind gave me a quick ride down base leg so I turned final with quite a lot of height. Another stage of flap, chop power.......looking good, still a bit high, let's try some sideslip (but be careful, there's always windshear on 29 approach) - much better now, and a comfortable landing if not as graceful as I'd have liked.

A couple of points. The unsure-ness of my position on the first leg was not a great cause of worry to me because I knew my basic orientation was good and I knew I could recognise all the local landmarks. Cheating I know! but it was a get out of jail free card. Also, where bumpy, thermic weather used to cause me huge hassle on navexes, now serves to make them more interesting and lively.

And so we go up another rung on the great ladder. Next week it's practice for QXC.
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