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Old 12th Mar 2008, 14:55
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US Citizen: ATC in UK Possible?

I'm just going to copy and paste what I wrote on A.net, as a user there suggested that you guys would be able to help.

First and foremost, let me just say that I love the UK, and as far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to live there. This is all speculative, and I just want to know if it's even possible. Right now, I'm a born-and-bred American, and am currently halfway to getting my Bachelor's Degree in Air Traffic Control at ERAU. I want to see if becoming an ATC across the pond would be possible for me.
From what I've heard, the UK won't just grant citizenship to everyone, and that people wishing to move to the UK have to have skills that would "justify" it. After googling forever, I've failed to come up with answers to the following questions:

1) Would ATC be considered "special" enough to justify me gaining citizenship?
2) Can I even be considered for ATC in the UK, being an American? I know that in the US, the FAA requires controllers to be citizens.
3) Is there an age limit? I think I read somewhere that's it's 25. I know the UK is insanely expensive when compared to the US, so I might want to stay here and 'gain a financial foothold' (read: wait for the USD to gain value so I can take more money with me ) first, but not too long if I'll pass the age window by.
4) Any additional input? Am I completely crazy for even wanting this?

Thanks to all who answer any questions/offer advice to feed my curiosity!
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