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Old 20th Jan 2002, 21:09
  #18 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Here's a link...
<a href="http://wwwsam.brooks.af.mil/web/ram/melatonin.htm" target="_blank">http://wwwsam.brooks.af.mil/web/ram/melatonin.htm</a>
This article was intended for USAF aircrews.

I suffered insomnia for about a year and half. I'm talking 1 or 2 hours of sleep per night!!! I'm not kidding! I was angry and pissed-off all the time. I initially tried melatonin in the 3mg dose that didn't work. I went to the doctor and he prescribed Ambien, that didn't work either. The I came across a study of meltonin done by Harvard or John Hopkins. I tried to find it again to post here, no luck. Anyways, they showed the effective dose of melatonin to be more like 1 to 3 mcg (micrograms). 100th of the dose 3 milligram dose I was taking!

Anyways, that night I nibbled a bit on my 3mg dose and boom! Out cold in short order. It's been working for me ever since. However, I still generally wake about about 3 times during the night. After I wake up, I take another little nibble, and boom....out again. As for side-effects....NIGHTMARES and wierd dreams. But for me that's a positive because I love them. At the end of my 3rd cycle of sleep, I wake with a little grogginess and stiff hard-on just like the old days. A strong cup of coffee takes care of both. I feel this small dosage is effective because it gets absored sublingualy, under the tounge. The dosage is too small to swallow.

Sweet Dreams... Scooby