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Old 22nd Feb 2008, 14:08
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To all aspiring pilots who are hitting a brick wall :

amazingly, it has taken me almost a year to get answers to these questions. sad to say, there is "crab mentality" everywhere you go. back where i grew up, pilots help pilots. there's that sense of comradery and friendship for fellow pilots. according to alpa, we make up 1% of the world's population. being a pilot is a priviledge and a blessing when given the opportunity. unfortunately, here in pinas no one will bother to lend a hand unless there was a price tag attached to it or if you got the connections. i know that this excerpt could draw some controversy with both culture and attitudes of those who just don't give a damn.

i recognize that there are disgruntled pilots who can never find contentment in their blessings. afterall, it's in our nature to never be satisfied with what we have been given. i know many pilots of left cebu pacific for greener pasteurs but, for those who are trying to gain experience help is always a good thing to extend. it demonstrates concern for their fellow man. i really believe that the more we help or give, universal law says that it will come back to you some other way.

i really hope and pray to God, if you believe in God that more and more filipino pilots can help one another to find success instead of having a darwinist philosophy is not the key "dog eat dog" "every man of himself"mentality. we should all seek a christian point of view to help on another. is not the the philippines a christian nation?

so now that i have experienced the sad reality, i intend to take the first step to help other pilots out, who need a helping hand towards their flying careers. I will attempt to answer my own inquiries and hope that it will be a help for any young aspiring pilot.

1. How much is a license conversion with the ATO. Is there any testing or course I have to take?

According to AO 60.75, anyone who holds a foreign ninimum of a ppl (private pilot's license) must take written exam, checkride no SOP (bribe), to demonstrate he or she is competent and current in their flying skills. If you carry a instrument rating, there is a reciprocal agreement internationally that one must take a written test within 24 months upon applying. This requirement is pp. 35 under subsection letter d. of 1 & 2.

Sad to say the books are never open in ATO. ATO regulations are identical to FAA regulations. Whoever tells you, you need to build 10 hours of flight time or more, they are playing with you. Your just making them richer. You can contest anything, just as long as you know your rights.

Next question...

2. My time is not current. I have not flown for almost a year. Will they accept my time and will they get me current?

If your not current, you can fly. Hourly rates range between 6,000 to 7,500 php depending on the school. Based on my observations, schools are short changing flight instructors and charging more on the airplane hourly. Back where I'm from, instructors are paid $45 an hour. That's 1,822 php an hour. If your lucky you can get more money in the provinces compared to hourly wages in Manila. Your probably going to get 500 php an hour. That's only $12.35 an hour. You do the math.

Back at home, 172 time is probably 85 to 100 dollars. That's 4050 php an hour. As you may notice, instructors and students are being ripped off. Now tell me, how is this fair for the person that's trying to build time and trying to make ends meat. Can we all say the word "GREED".

I would highly recommend working in the province because they pay more and the living expenses is less. I can get a decent meal for 30php. There are some schools that will pay for room and board and food possibly transportation. The start pay is 600 php for a Cessna 152 and after probation 700 php. That's better than Manila.

Those who are building time, this is your best option because cities like Davao, Cebu, and most provinces asides Manila pay more. Your better off there, just don't get home sick focus on your goal and make sure that you get a written contract to protect your behind. I've seen too many FI's get cheated because the owners are too stingy. Then again, we are taught here to respect your superiors but, when they are cheating you, you got to speak up. That's not right and I feel bad for the naive who are being raped for their services. It's called blind loyalty.

In fairness to business owners, I have seen them help pilots obtain their flight instructors license. It saves the pilot alot of money and of course a pilot shows his gratitude by working for them for a period of time. It should not be more than a year. I 've seen owners keep them for 2 years. I believe if your paying your instructors well, they will be loyal to you because business owners are doing the "golden rule" treat others the way you want to be treated.

next question...

3. Is there a weight requirement?

Let's face it, health is wealth. Though I have seen overweight pilots, it's still important to take pride in appearance and to take care of one's health. It's important why? Because flying can be tiring if your flying numerous legs in a day. Imagine flying 6 yo 8 legs a day. You start at 1a.m and end your day 5p.m. depending on the airline.

It's good to build a lot of time so that you can reach the Captain position. Time and experience and productivity is everything in the airlines in the Philippines.

Lose the weight by exercising, eating the right foods, pray or meditation, and get enough sleep.

next question...

4. Do I need to pay for training or will they pay for it provided you finish your 5 year bond?

You pay your bond by fullfilling your contract. If you break your contract your pretty much black listed. I have an acquintance of mine is bailed out from one of the airlines, I won't mention the name. He will be the prorated amount based on how much time he fullfilled on his or her contract. Let's say you have a 5 year agreemnt. You did 3 years. You bailed out on the 3rd year? Your training cost the company 30,000 US dollars. You will owe them after a court decision $12,000.

Of course it's best if you fullfill your contract. It speaks of integrity and commitment to your word. Of course everyone situation is different specially if a company decides their company is more important than your family such is in the case of my acquintance.

If you upgrade to Captain you will have another contract. Your recent contact will be cancelled and you will have to finish the contract. In the case of some airlines, their contract could be 3 years, which I think in my own opinion is reasonable.

Next question...

5. What are the schedules like? Can I dead head back to the province? Or I need to be based in Manila? Other operations at home allow a pilot to go home and others require to stay in Manila.

There are hubs in Manila, Cebu, Clark, and Davao. Regarding the schedules, I'm not sure. I don't have the answer for this yet but, I will find out for all of you who are interested.

Of course, it's best to live near your hub. It's convient and less stressful on you if your commuting.

next question...

7. Is there a blog on how to pass the interview? How to pass the training?

Don't know yet, still waiting for answers on that one. Normally, you are on front of a board. You probably will get the chief pilot, human resource, medical doctor, or a top executive.

They will probably ask you questions on medical factors, instrument procedures, approach plate questions, weather, ect. Of course a sim ride emphasis on NDB approaches, holds, and basic manuevers. That's what I received when I was in the US. I'm assuming that's what they will do here as well. In other words, prepare prepare prepare.

next question...

8. How long is training and is it paid by the company?

Training is paid with this company from what I understand. Thank God!

next question...

9. How long is Captain upgrade?

Depending on your performance and time, it can take a year or maximum 2 years with cepac. That's what I was told. Can anyone confirm this please. thank you.

next question...

10. What is 1st year pay as a SO?

Well, I've seen on response. PEANUTS. Yes is peanuts if you think in dollars. I believe that starting pay from what I understand is 100,000 php in the AIRBUS 320 for first officer position. I'm not sure about the ATR. This is still better pay than Air Philippines. I was told it is 30% less than Cepac. Still complaining aren't we? This is still better but, if you get hired with the other airline and you don't get hired in Cepac, beggars can't be choosers. Be grateful you got the job and you can build experience.

Of course, we are all hoping that they will increase the wages but, remember Cepac is trying to be competitive by having less on the fare for better value. That's the slogan if I recall.

On saying this, I hope that this is a great help for all aspiring pilots who are trying to build their time and trying to apply for Cepac. Of course this is my number one choice because Cepac reminds me of South West Airlines philosophy. This airline cares about it's customers and employees for what I understand. Let's face it, not all airlines are perfect.

If you are a pilot flying for Cepac, count your blessings. Imagine, where I live the average wage is 90 php a day?! That's not much and they work their behinds off. Consider it a blessing that God has given us to be pilots who are responsible for transporting customers to their destinations safetly with comfort. One has two choices, this airline can be a place of growth or can be a place where it is stepping stone for a better opportunity. Everyone is different and everyone has their preferences.

Please, understand that I'm not upset or disappointed anymore. I forgive all you who manage to neglect my plea for help. Think of the good samaratin in the scriptures. Good news is that, we can start over and try again. No need for bitterness. I'm not here to insult anyone. I'm here to remind everyone that we are blest and we should pass the blessings to others who are in a better position. Believe me, I've been there and done that. I know that it is God who is my employer not man. Yes, that's right man is not my employer God is. I'm not worried anymore. I trust the Lord and ask that you do the same as well.

Thank you everyone for reading this. I hope that it is both inspiring and a help to all of you specially our next pilot generation.

God bless!


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