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Old 19th Dec 2007, 01:55
  #36 (permalink)  
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"She was alone in the dark, face green from the glow of a radar screen. Fierce winds were tearing into the air traffic control tower as Annie Geisow sat watching out for planes with pilots brave – or stupid – enough to try flying through the storm that was lashing the north coast of Scotland."

Now if that doesn't have you checking your wifes Mills and Boob read list then.............

"I knew it was probably bad," says Geisow, "but I had no idea how bad it was going to get."

Good grief

"So Geisow started to transmit something called the Instrument Landing System"................................

Ah so that's how it works

"I got this chap on the radio. He was Russian, and very difficult to understand. We had a brief discussion, if you can call it that. I had to junk the technical language and keep it very simple."

Russian Where the **** was the Bufoon QRA..............chrikey doodles!!

"I wasn't militaristic," she says. "I wasn't fit. I was a bit punky. But when I listened to the recruiting office I thought, 'Hmm, why not? Pilots are sexy. And it's a very big challenge. I like those.'"

So bird walks into AFCO and say "I want shagging by lots of pilot types"........does'nt make her a bad person but come on.........

The unwitting pilot was no more than 150 feet above a series of huge electronic masts feeding vital signals to planes for miles around. "If he touched one of those he would crash and die. The transmitters would go down as well."

No **** Sherlock

"We can go to prison for negligence. I had that in my mind. But in the heat of the moment I was like, 'What's more important – your life or my jail term"

Now that is vomit inducing

Worse yet, another voice startled her. A Royal Mail transporter was coming down out of the sky, oblivious to the disoriented small plane buzzing below. They could have collided over the base, or homes nearby.
Thinking fast, Geisow told the Mail man to circle until the crisis was over.

Even someone who makes tea could come up with "Royal Mail # hold at FL blah blah.................

!' But then I realised I had another aircraft that still needed to get down."What did Geisow do next? The answer is typical of this wry woman, and the RAF mentality. "I might have allowed myself a brief, 'Yeah

So two aircraft in one shift................Ever sat at the holding point at an RAF base with an aircraft turning finals 7 miles away..........now consider sat at the holding point at Minneapolis with one just taking the high speed turn off and one two miles out and you are cleared to line up.........................

Another air traffic controller said to me, 'I can't believe you won that just for doing your job.'"

Breasts are always a big help in this sort of thing

All joking aside remeber how Caz Leavey was stitched.............I suspect a whole host of journo "license" went into this story

Good job Annie
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