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Thread: Golden Eagle
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Old 21st Nov 2007, 11:03
  #206 (permalink)  
Howards Battler
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In their defence.

Big thread! Im new to this forum, but worked for Keith and Mary a few years back.

It sounds like many of you have had some bad experiences with GEA. Whilst the company is obviously nothing like it was when I was there, I thought I had better make my first post in Keith and Mary's defence, as I found it not too bad.

I hated living in Hedland - sure, but looking back GEA was one of the best places I have ever worked. Things certainly weren't all roses - but nothing like what I have read here! The team I worked with then were very friendly (best working environment I have experienced in all the years since I left school!), we all got on well and Mary often organised social work functions. In the couple of years I was there Keith never asked me to do anything I didn't agree with, in fact other than handing out charters - he rarely asked me to anything. I was generally always given the freedom to find something to do myself (Clean, fix, office duties etc), and then left in peace to complete it. I made my own duty times work - by turning up to work at 10am, knocking off mid arvo, or simply taking a day off if my hours were up. Keith NEVER complained, NEVER even raised an eyebrow for all I know. How many other GA operators would allow that??? I would say virtually none.

I worked hard for them when I was on duty, and tried to take the initiative to make the place better to work in. Keith and Mary were obviously very religous, and had strong opinions on all sorts of things (Although I never heard them talk about people the way many people on this thread are talking about them - It sounds like pure mallace). Either way they NEVER tried to push any agenda on me (or anyone else that I saw/heard). They didn't offer much flying back then - I think I only got about 300 to 500 twin hours a year, but eventually it was enough to move to better equipment in anyother company. As for pay, well, GA wages!!!! Keith and Mary did pay me above award though (10% extra I think), they paid super and they always paid me on time. I was paid full time, and given oportunities to earn extra money on the side too thru AAE and later with the Qantaslink contract for ground handling. Some weeks I could nearly double my pay. At other places I have worked as a GA pilot, I would have probably been given those duties to do as part of my 'job description'! - And then have been expected to fudge my duty times to do it!!!!

As far as references go - Keith (and Mary?) made it clear to me that they did not wish to give any pilot a reference. I can't remember why, but I was able to use other staff for references, and Mary had sent me a thank you letter, for something I had done around place, which I could use. On more than one occasion I had seen/heard Keith and Mary upset/angry about some odd pilot who had left (and who had done something wrong??) I am not certain, but think that they may have contacted some other companies to warn them. I didn't and still don't agree with this but....aviation is a small industry - and I'm sure we have all heard about bad stuff getting around. For the record I now that they are not the only bosses that have kept a little 'black book' and shared with others news of bad staff.

Anyway - make whatever you want of my post here. I thought I might try to level things a little. It certainly was far from perfect, but I am very glad for my experience in Port Hedland with them.
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