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Thread: UAE bins BAE
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Old 3rd Nov 2007, 20:40
  #17 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 1999
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It wasn’t a happy time oop at ‘t werrks.....

“Seth”, bellowed ‘t Bungling Baron Waste o’ Space “what do ‘t little brown boogers in Derrbeye think they’re oop to? Buyin’ soom Eytie jet? Well, ah’ll go to ‘t foot o’ owerr sterrs”

This was, in fact, something of a rhetorical question. For, as Seth knew only too well, ‘t Baron’s offer of a ‘a nice little sweetenerr’ had fallen on deaf ears in the Gulf. Despite ‘t Baron’s protestations that his nice new Rolls was “Nowt to do wi ‘t Saudi TypHoons, tha’ knows”, it seemed that others were beginning to worry that ‘t Baron’s wealth was beginning to exceed that of his company.

Seth wisely declined to comment, lest his master’s foul temper worsened. Even Boogeroff, ‘t Baron’s ageing and flatulent whippet merely whimpered plaintively at the outburst, before loosing off an alphabet of vitamins concealed in a noxious cloud of barely digested ram’s testicle tart which he’d quietly stolen from ‘t Baron’s breakfast tray.

The Baron mused further about his recent trip to ‘t land o’sand an’ brass’, as he put it – and his meeting with the local Emir...

“Now Abdul, lad, have another pig pancreas pie an’ a nice drop of dandelion an’ burrdock an’ we’ll have another look at ‘t price”, he announced to the Emir.

“But, Baron, we wish to buy a modern aeroplane at a sensible price”, came the reply.

“Nay, nay, lad. Tha’ needs a well proven British design, tha’ knows. Didn’t old Mad Maggie tell thee as such?”

“Indeed, over a quarter of a century ago we bought such things as you say. What, pray, have you designed since then which is new?”

“Well, ‘t lads have coome oop wi’ a new nose ferr ‘t ‘awk. An’ soom nice new TVs in ‘t cockpit”

“But Baron, an old camel with a new saddle is still an old camel”, said the Emir.............

As indeed it truly is.
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