PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Finally, some balls - NJS Pilots take industrial action
Old 30th Aug 2007, 12:55
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El Kabong
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Oh Dear

Dear PAF
How easy it must be to throw stones from your "sheltered workshop" that is a nice and cosy little government job. Your continued quotations from your school book economics course pretty much reflect what is your obviously sad lack of real life experience in the world in which most people live. Bit like someone who can tell you all about sex but has never had a girlfriend.

History is full of examples of people with your particular slant on life, Mary Antoinette being one of them - "let them eat cake" - found her a great little spot to see out her days didn't it. Actually, the poor woman was coming from a position of ignorance so maybe you have more in common with her than first appearances. (She had a cosy and cosseted government job as well)

However, lets suppose that your undoubted grasp of economic principles is actually based on experience rather than verbatim snippets gleaned from the well thumbed pages of your text, you earlier stated with some authority that "the party unwilling to be flexible during a negotiation (or words to the effect) will undoubtedly lose". Well that being the case, NJS is stuffed as it has been that particular party that has been completely and totally immovable during any negotiations for many years.

Perhaps one day you may move from your cloistered environment into a real-life situation (although I feel you have probably been saluted once to many times to do so) and perhaps then we may give some creadance to your continued verbose pomposity and never ending diatribes.

And no I dont work for NJS and I have been a conservative voter my entire voting life. However, this time will be different as I choose to make a decision based on the facts of the time rather than being mired in intransigent political dogma and stubborn adherence to a particular bias.

Feel free to "fire away" my little friend, "empty vessels make the most noise" and I would wear scorn from proudly as a badge of honour!
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