PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Free training in Denmark
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Old 24th Aug 2000, 13:30
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi everyone.

I watched a programme yesterday which might shed a light on the whole thing.

Seems the RDAF and Danish CAA have a hush-hush agreement about subsidizing pilot trainees at the state pilot school with about 100k DKK, meaning that the entire ATPL course would come to a measly 500k or so. About 50k sterling.

One of the reasons for this was apparently that the RDAF wants to prevent fast movers from leaving the service and getting a cushy job with SK. (yeah, right. 12 yrs in the right hand seat before captains rating). Also, SK usually only hire entry-level pilots from the State school. Smacks of corruption and old boy's network.

Also, as mentioned before, this only applies to pilots training with the State School. The conclusion was that it tended to slant the competition in favour of the State school and put the private FTO's at an unfair disadvantage.

Would you believe: The head of training even tried to imply that pilots trained at the private schools couldn't possibly be as safety conscious as 'his' students.

All I can say is: Judge each school on its merits as they seem to you, and pay what it costs. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.