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Old 27th Jun 2001, 16:38
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Red face Yet another go-around. What's going on?

The aviation world is reeling from yet more go around drama, this time at London’s busy Stapleford airport. An industry insider, known only as G-SXTY, confirmed he had spent several hours caught up in the horror last Saturday. Incidents included:
Literally dozens of aircraft – some with only one pilot at the controls – landing on the grass next to the runway, hurtling along without slowing down, and then pulling up at the last minute.
Others swooping low over the runway and then climbing away without even attempting to land, even though they clearly only had one engine.
Pilots bravely grappling with the controls and steering their planes away from local houses.

Miraculously no-one was hurt in the incident, but in a dramatic twist it was admitted last night that a local seagull was treated for shock after nearly colliding with a ‘Cessna’ at over 1,000 feet above the peacefully unsuspecting village of Abridge.

G-SXTY was unavailable for further comment today, as he is trying to sell his story to the tabloids for an undisclosed sum, believed to equivalent to the price of an ATPL course.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit pruning.