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Old 7th Oct 2000, 22:23
  #2 (permalink)  
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Not quite correct, stagger.
Libel n.
A defamatory statement made in permanent form, such as writing, pictures or film. Radio and television broadcasts for general release and public performance of plays are treated as being made in permanent form for the purposes of the law of defamation. A libel is actionable in tort without proof that its publication has caused special damage (actual financial or material loss) to the person defamed). Libel can also be a crime (criminal libel). Proof of publication of the statement to third parties is not necessary in criminal libel and truth is a defence only if the statement was published for the public benefit.
(Oxford Concise Dictionary of Law)

Generally you have to prove special damage in a slander case - there are, however exeptions. One of these is when it is calculated to disparage a person in his office, business, trade or profession. Hence, if I were (untruthfully) to tell someone to whom you had applied for a flying job that you didn't know one end of an aircraft from another and you were, basically a cr@p pilot and they, in consequence, were to withdraw the job offer, that would be an actionable slander.

In tort, slander is not actionable when the damage is simply loss of reputation - there has to be material or financial loss. This is not true of libel.

[This message has been edited by HugMonster (edited 07 October 2000).]