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Thread: Golden Eagle
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Old 29th Apr 2007, 05:46
  #45 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

The company in question employs ALL pilots FULL-TIME and on SALARY. The majority of GA operators in WA and the rest of Australia employ mostly only casual pilots. Having a regular known income, you can save a regular amount and know what you have to play with. Especially when you have a BIG debt for all your flight training!
---ALSO, if a flight is cancelled you are still going to get paid!---

Unlike casual, you know a good week before what days you are flying, therefore you can plan ahead etc.

Since your full-time, you don’t pay for any Instrument Rating Renewals, Line or Base checks, plus you get unlimited use of an Elite 6 simulator and ongoing ‘Check and Training’ at no additional cost to the pilot. Many GA operators in Australia require the pilot to pay for Renewals; I have even heard of some operators that make the pilot pay for Line and Base checks.

The bond is NOT UPFRONT! It is purely just, ‘Put Your Money Where Your Mouth IS!’ by that I mean, each and every pilot strives for bigger and better things (turbines, regional’s, wide-bodies, etc.) we all know that once we have logged the ‘Magic 500’, its ‘exit stage left’ as soon as something better comes up. As the company is very BIG on ‘Check and Training’ and they tend to make an investment in you, all they ask is that you give them a minimum commitment of 12months. Guaranteed income and flying for 12months.

Happy Flying all..


'Ellen White' - I do believe ur information is inacurate on the departed drivers..

I have been reading PPRUNE for years now, some information here is ‘great advise’, but a lot of it is misleading, especially for the poor new comers to aviation, who (being naive) come here for advice. I think we all need to remember that companies (aviation and non-aviation) all over Australia (and the world) have ex. employees that will jump at any opportunity to put them down. I am sure we could all look back and find at least 1 (or more) negatives for each and every company we have worked for, but the BIG question is, 'Would you be where you are today without the experiences you had with that very same company?' I am sure each experience, both good and bad, is nothing more than simply just ‘good character building!'