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Old 1st Mar 2007, 14:15
  #168 (permalink)  
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There are many positive points about Egnatia, however there are also many negative points that I feel have not been stated. I know other fellow students have refrained from posting these on PPRuNe, but I feel that it is unfair on those who are researching Flight Schools not to get the full story.

Firstly, internet access is extremely limited, at the school the connection is very slow (not broadband) and sometimes unuseable, the management often turn it off aswell. Contrary to what the management say there is NO INTERNET IN THE ACCOMODATION. You will get extremely bored some evenings, especially in the colder months. The management keep saying "we are looking into it", apparently this has been the story since the school opened, now it's turned to just be an all out "NO". Some students in other accomodation down the road have internet access, however it is my understanding that this is only due to the fact an instructor used to live there and it was part of his employment package.

To the management: No offence, I understand that you are of the older generation, you must understand that people that have grown up having the internet as a means of contact with their friends it becomes rather important. Especially when some of your students are leaving their home countries for a long, long time. They need to be able to keep in contact, and even MORE IMPORTANTLY, use BRISTOL GROUNDSCHOOL FEEDBACK to study, since the groundschool at Egnatia seems to be a shambles, but I will cover that later. But basically, you severely underestimate the importance an internet connection has.

Next, the integral part of learning to fly, the Aeroplanes!

Egnatia Aviation's fleet consists of 5 aircraft. 4 DA40's and 1 DA42. Yes, you heard correct, one DA42, If you come here expecting to do your CPL/ME/IR on a twin, expect to be here for a long, long time. Also, the CFI seems to give priority to Cypriot students (you will understand when you meet him).

Now, the DA40's, Egnatia has four of them. Generally, two of them are grounded because of technical problems, sometimes, there is only one operational DA40. Anyway, there are two PPL instructors at the school, one plane each. So hour builders, you will also be here for a long, long time. Also keep in mind, when you go over the days of accomodation in the package, you will have to pay extra accomodation, this works out to be 600euros a month.

Weither you like the accomodation or not differs from person to person, I will however say that some of the accomodation DOES NOT HAVE AIR CONDITIONING, so in the summer, it will get hot, very hot. Also in the winter it gets extremely cold at night, this year it reached -9C, but is generally around -3C. There is a notice in some of the accomodation telling you to switch the heating off at night time, the time when it's needed most, if you keep it on, they will charge you extra for it. But, they also say, if you feel cold, then they can give you extra blankets! Make what you want of that...

So, Egnatia tells you that you can do your PPL in 28 days. Therefore they provide you with 28 days accomodation. In Greece there are 9 PPL written exams. These have to be taken in Athens, that is a 7 hour drive away, or a 1 hour flight. If you want to fly, you will have to pay for that yourself, else there is the 7 hour drive. The PPL exams can only be sat ONE DAY A MONTH, and the session only runs for 4 hours. So, unless you are superman, there is no way you can sit the exams in one session, you will have to come back, yep, that means you will be spending more than the 28 days accomodation, and you WILL be charged for it. Also, the Greek CAA (HCAA) is extremely unorganised, simple things take ages, for example, when you finish your training, expect to wait months to receive your licence. If you are waiting for a commercial licence, you won't be able to apply for a job before you have your licence in hand. But, back on subject. As other students can confirm, the HCAA PPL Exams contain a lot of material from ATPL level. Many students learn this the hard way and end up failing the first sitting through no fault of their own. They did study the correct syllabus. The HCAA just decide to move the goal posts. So, you will have to wait another month for a resit, that's going to cost you more accomodation.

ATPL Groundschool, apparently the hardest and most stressful part of your training. Egnatia Aviation use CATS study guides. In the last module (from what I understand this ran from September to November). The Groundschool Instructor just decided that he wouldn't turn up. Egnatia scrambled around to find a replacement and Dr Stuart Smith (who runs CATS, and is also suppose to be Egnatia's Head of Training) turned up. This current module, started in January. The Groundschool instructor didn't turn up again. One month went by, there was no sight of any instructor. Now, they have an Professor from a University in Thessaloniki that comes Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The rest of the week the ATPL students are left to their own devices. Of course, they are still being charged for the In-house training. The Head of Training, Dr Stuart Smith, seems to have abandoned the school. He has an office at the school, but has not been here since November last year, and from what I understand, he is refusing to come for some reason.

The reason for this post is that I am sick and tired of all the broken promises and the things that never happen at Egnatia (there has even been instructors at Egnatia that have left because they didn't keep up their end of the deal). The management need to wake up and listen to the students.

I hope this post strikes a chord with them and I hope it gets better in the future.

It seems that the age-old cliche is true;

You Get What You Pay For.

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