PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - need help badly!
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Old 25th Oct 1999, 19:28
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Exclamation need help badly!

it looks like you guys know all your tech stuff pre and post jurrasic times so what better place to make my appeal! joking aside I have a mega problem with my computer and hopefully someone there would be able to offer me sound advice! the story goes... I upgraded the memory and bought another 64 mb of it but that conflicted with the original16 mb that was already there!also a new adition was the scanner with a SCSI card. following up to me installing all this my sound went to noise and hissing and there were other complications to follow to do with the internet and twain compatible devices..etc etc.. to cut the long story short it took me almost half a year to figure out what was wrong as I never imagined something like this to be a problem and there were no conflicts indicated anywhere... two days ago i rebooted the whole computer with the 16 mb memory out which sorted the sound and and all the other problems but now I have a new problem of getting a stign of vertical lines accroess the screen when I run MICROSOFT OUTLOOK EXPRESS and INTERNET EXPLORER. got those of the freeserve disk. tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no luck ! in case some of you had similar problem please if you can help me before I totally lose it and throw the whole thing out of the window (talking about a stable extrovert here!).
thanks in advance!