PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Singapore Airlines vs. ****** (USA) Part 2
Old 23rd Sep 1999, 20:40
  #32 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

In an Flight International article, there was a mention of this case. The official news in Singapore broadcasted by the Television corporation of Singapore was that the pilot lost in a US court. Misinformation.

It has been my pleasure and privilage to have been able to obtain the case details thanks to the freedom of information act in the United States, and having informed the interested PPRuNe readers.

I promise you more interesting details in Singapore Airlines vs. Gladiator, presently active. SIA's intentions in this type of cases are to break the defendant of legal funds. Then go for any deal to their favor.

Fortunately due to the large number of enemies SIA and Singapore has managed to create, Gladiator will not be short of legal funds. I promise all the readers great information that would shock the commercial air travel industry.

Singapore Airlines vs. Gladiator will be tried in a Federal Court by a jury. Let the people decide.

For all of those e-mails with offer to help with my legal fund, I am very grateful. Sorry I havn't gotten back to you yet, my e-mail is backed up. I'll be posting a bank account number based in Los Angeles, California very soon.