PPRuNe Forums - View Single Post - Singapore Airlines vs. ****** (USA) Part 2
Old 22nd Sep 1999, 22:04
  #30 (permalink)  
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The above was a motion by the plaintiff (SIA)for Partial Summary Judgment which was scheduled for Oct 10, 1997.

The motion never took place, instead this letter was forwarded to the court on October 6, 1997.

October 6, 1997

Hon. Franklin D. Burgess
United States District Judge
United States District Courthouse

Re: Singapore Airlines, Ltd. v. xxx
Case No. 96-5858FDB

Thank you for responding to my telephone message so prompyly. As I stated, please strike the summary judgment motion in the above captioned matter noted for October 10, 1997.

As I mentioned, the parties have reached a settlement and expected to be forwarding a stipulated Judgment for entry by the Court in the near future. We do not expect that there will be any further activity in this case in the meantime.

Please do not hesistate to contact me if you have any questions.