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Old 12th Dec 2006, 10:12
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Touch n Go
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Frankly I' m Gobsmacked

I have read this thread with interest, and I am surprised at the approach of so called professional people.

I am a frequent customer of 1time, which is my only involvement with the airline. I cannot believe what I am reading. This kind of bickering does not belong in an industry where innocent lives are at stake.

There seems to be a problem in 1time which management are not addressing. There are routes according to law which one can take to ensure the employer does not abuse the employee, and to ensure the promises made are kept. As you are all professionals, one could assume that the promises that got you all so excited were agreed to in writing. Great, there is recourse in terms of the law. Use it!
If you did not get the promises made in writing, may I suggest that you go and abuse a mirror, because professional people, contracts are made on paper to protect all parties involved. Gone are the days in this me/myself world where a hand shake is good enough.
Obvious to me is the fact that, so called professionals prefer to slander their employer on a public forum, instead of using the channels provided to them by law. Why?
Why slate someone who obviously is happy with his employer. Is it because he does not agree with your own view point?

If the airline is cutting corners, in maintaining the aircraft, and allowing aircraft to be flown in an un-airworthy condition, it is criminal activity that should be harshly punished.
If any pilot has information to that regard, and can back it up with proof, then it is the responsibility of that pilot to report the crime to the relevant authorities. Failure to do this, Mr. Professional pilot is criminal activity and puts you in the same position as the organization that is knowingly cutting corners.
Can you live with yourself if you know the aircraft are not airworthy, but choose to keep quiet and the aircraft falls out of the sky? All because you feel hard done by? Where I ask is the professionalism?
Is there real truth in the allegations being made on this thread, or are you trying to hit hard at the CEO, with whom you may have a personal vendetta? Perhaps you are an FO who was not promoted? I neither know nor care. Someone posted here that this is a rumor forum and I understand and respect that, and I understand that it is your right to post your feelings, great. What South Africans have forgotten, or maybe not have been taught, is that with rights comes responsibility, and even if you have a personal issue with a person or persons within the company, you as a professional person have the responsibility to uphold the companies image in the eyes of the public, except if the company is involved in criminal activities and putting their customers at risk. Then you have the responsibility of blowing the whistle, at whatever the personal cost.
If you have no proof but are speculating, drop it. Sort your problem you have with whomever man to man, and get on with being a professional. You have a responsibility as an employee to ensure the success of the airline that employed you.

With regard to the comment about hand flying aircraft in bad WX conditions, well you are professional people. The decision to go not go ultimately rests with the PIC. It is your responsibility to make the correct call. Frankly I would rather have a pilot upfront than a computer wiz, because when the computer goes pear shaped the pilot actually has experience in what needs to be done.

I shall be watching this thread, as well as the airline
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