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Old 4th Nov 2006, 08:48
  #25 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Northumberland
Age: 65
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I'm out in 26 days!

I have had an amazing 25 years, been places and done things that most people could not imagine. Worked with some outstanding people and thoroughly enjoyed the financial and job security. I have always seen the RAF as a way of life, not just a job or even a career.

Why am I leaving? Several reasons. The way we are being run and administered as a civilian entity, highlighted by the rediculous management speak that has infected every corner of our lives. The 'Customer' based ethos we are now immerged in. The fact that some fcukwit in the top office gets wound up about how you present your work without even considering the merits of the actual content.
All that however, is smallfry compared to the pace of change. I am sick and tired of forever being involved in the next good idea, the next trial, the latest reorganisation, the latest document/paper/brief/instruction/SOP that seem to arrive like at an eyewatering pace. More irritating than that is the total lack of consolidation. We try a new idea and then gallop straight on to the next without pause for breath. The majority of it, IMHO, is wasteful, unnecessary and usually the result of someones bid for stardom. OK, not all the time and we do need new ideas and methods BUT not at todays pace. E-mail is a curse, I have been on standdown for 2 days and come in this morning to 80 e-mails. 20 contained large documents that are supposed to be read and/or actioned. It goes on and on to the extent that you don't know where the hell you are or who is doing what.
I know I will be slated for this but, in the eyes of the public, how can we claim overstretch when we can put 9 Red Arrows in the Sunderland Air Show but only 7 Harriers in Afghanistan. It just does not add up. OK, the Red Arrows are great PR, really? Who wants to join a service that puts more effort into showboating than supporting its people at the sharp end? That's how Joe Public will see it.
It seems to me that ever since the carbunckle known as Investors in People, we have stopped doing just that. JPA is crap (more later). The Armed Forces are unique, not just another branch of Woolworths and, as such, we need to be looked after in a unique way. That means being able to go face to face with service support personnel who understand the issues, have similar experiences and can (mostly) deal with your problems, allowing you time to concentrate on your primary task. Not logging on to some web site and then talking to a call centre operator whose only claim to fame is a Grade F in Media Studies.
The standard of medical care has gone through the floor. When I joined there were at least four Military Hospitals. Today, with war raging in the Middle East, not one. Our troops are stuck in any old ward where they can be rebuked by any passing 'brother of Islam', it is a disgrace.
Beauracracy. It is strangling the very lifeblood out of the service. The amount of hassle just to get a frigging rail ticket is rediculous. You can do well at your job and nothing is said. Pay your Mess Bill a day late and the gates of hell seem to open. Don't put your car pass in exactly the right place and everyone wants to know your name. CCS, waste of time. RAFT. Did mine in Jan and passed. Got a snottogram in May saying I was out of date and in line for a one way interview. The reason? New financial year so had to be done again. So, nothing to do with fitness, just another tick in the right box at the right time.
Troops out of area. Lots has been said on this forum by people far better qualified than me but, sufficed to say, long time away from home, minimal support. Why are we not putting as much effort into replacing the AT fleet as we are into bringing the Typhoon into service? The former actually goes further than the UK FIR Boundary.

Finally, back to JPA. I leave in 26 days after 22 years in the Regular RAF and 3 years as a Full Time Reservist. You would think that all that I had to think about was emptying my draw and organising the final beers. No chance. I am owed over £1000.00 through JPA. I moved out of my FQ into a private house some months ago. I am still paying FQ rent, garage rent and service Poll Tax. That is on top of my commercial rent and local Poll Tax. After 4 phone calls, countless e-mails and 2 letters I am no further forward. I have been told that the chances of it being resolved in time for my exit are next to none. Not good enough. I would like to leave with a smile, a handshake and my head held high. If I have to do it by overturning some tables and removing the odd door from its hinges then so be it. I have kept my end of the bargain, the powers that be can f ing well keep theirs.

To those still left, good luck and I will miss you. To those that are joining or thinking of joining, I wish you well. To you the RAF is as it is and you will adapt. Good luck.

I am told that PPRUNE is required reading by those on Staff Courses. Hope you enjoyed it Gents. Now back to working out how Customer 1 can shaft Customer 2 and still look good, whilst sidestepping all blame.
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