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Old 25th Sep 2001, 17:09
  #30 (permalink)  
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You are wrong!! Read my statement. People killed by guns in their own homes are more likely to have been killed by their own gun than one that an intruder brought with them. Check your facts!!

Give me a relevant source for your facts. You are simply misinformed.

And this does have reference to the cockpit. Do you really think that two pilots are going to be able to keep control of that weapon when their are five or more terrorists on the plane. Give me a break.
So 2 unarmed pilots have a BETTER chance of fighting off 5 terrorists? We might as well just GIVE them the airplane and enjoy the ride........What is WRONG with the logic of you people? This is a no brainer.....

Just because a few lunatics commit an insane act does not mean the world has gone insane.Guns on the flight deck?.
Arguing against effective means of defense is insane, and OBVIOUSLY a product of years of brainwashing by your rulers......

It sadly seems to be a groundswell of opinion from the good ole Yoo-ess who are shouting for this.
Actually, I am GLAD that our unions are using some COMMON sense in this issue!

Just as the Americans are incapable or unwilling to examine the reasons why they are so hated by some they are blind to this insane love affair with guns they seem to have.
Ahh, we are fortunate that we have you to enlighten us! We are hated because of our insane love affair with guns? A gun is a tool, despite what your socialist education might have led you to believe........I can be accused of having a love affair with my car, but not a gun.......

Anyone who has ever picked up a firearm will concede that they have a strange and compelling attraction.
Obviously coming from a person that has never or at the most infrequently handles a gun........More socialist drivel......

They feel good at a instinctive level and we want one.
They also feel good at a practical level.......especially when threatened.....Maybe in the UK, the terrorists respond to reason, but in the rest of the world, they ONLY understand force.....

Unfortunately a few people then start dreaming up tenuous arguments for actualy being allowed to carry one.
Actually, a few people (19) have made these so called "tenuous" arguments VERY viable.....Any credibility in the argument AGAINST arming pilots has gone OUT the window........

Ditching your float plane in Alaska and being attacked by a bear is probably about the closest thing to a good reason you will get.Wipping out your Glock and whuppin' Abdul's ass is really just insane "yee har!" good ole boy fantasy and is the type of stuff that many outside the US find a bit scary.
We in the US find it SCARIER that you would rather just sit and allow your throat to be slit, and your airplane be flown into an office building full of your countrymen than to overcome your hoplophobia! Repeat after me......A GUN IS A TOOL!

I dont want to start a Yank bashing thread but I'm afraid the time has come for you guys to do some serious navel gazing and figure out just why some people hate you to the extent that they commit these insane acts.
Well, you've already started the Yank bashing thread! I will NOT be dragged into a comparison of our respective nations.......If you are happy there, then GREAT! STAY THERE! Do not, however, pass judgement about issues that you are not familiar with........I can guarantee that there are more of YOUR fellow subjects trying to get here than US citizens trying to get to the UK......Gee, I wonder why?

Stop trotting out rhetoric about them hating freedom and democracy etc and wake up to the real and tangible grievacies that many people have.If you remove these reasons you will really have tackled terrorism.
GEEZ, I never realized that my beliefs that firearms are merely tools caused the atrocity 2 weeks ago!

We CAN be accused of being short sighted when we sent arms to the Afghani's........It seems that the Taliban has no problem biting the hand that fed it. Our mistake was that we projected HUMAN emotions and logic on a bunch of animals.

If you are even remotely suggesting that those animals were even SLIGHTLY justified in commandeering 4 civilian airliners and KILLING 5000+ of MY fellow CIVILIAN countymen, then you are, with all DUE respect, AN IDIOT! What "tangible grievances" could a bunch of religious zealots have with 5000 stockbrokers and secretaries.......PLEASE!
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