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Old 12th Oct 2006, 08:56
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I’ve reproduced the following Telegraph article in its entirety and hope that regular readers can take the time to go through it. In these days when all we seem to hear of is the antics of incompetent, evasive, lying politicians, the money pit that the NHS has become and a national education system driven to new lows of performance by centrist diktat, fiddled statistics and continual degradation of the syllabus, it is wonderful to read of the quality, bravery and sheer professionalism of our armed forces. Truly they provide a beacon of excellence in a miasma of onward decline in public sector performance.

Moreover, the forces continue to “get the job done” with characteristic modesty and understatement and all against a background of progressive salami cuts in manpower, equipment and personnel benefit. Something must be good if an old cynic like me feels stirrings of pride in being British!! Very well done everyone, you have my absolutely unstinting admiration!!

And look on Bliar and crew. Even after years of “rationalization”, especially of infantry regiments, and in the face of your inevitable and up-coming weaselling out of your “promise” to provide more men, helicopters and trucks for Iraq and Afghanistan, the boys (and girls) can still do it. But don’t you dare try to take credit for it – it has absolutely zero to do with you or your loathed “New Labour”.

Troops come home with tales of heroism

Thomas Harding, Telegraph Defence Correspondent, 12/10/2006

The first troops to return from a summer of intense fighting in Afghanistan came home last night after some of the toughest battles the Army has seen in 50 years. The simple count of ammunition expended, 450,000 rounds of small arms fire, 4,300 artillery rounds and 1,000 grenades thrown – told its own story of the enormous gun battles.

A senior commander, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: "We went there to carry out reconstruction and we ended up fighting a war."

For the past four months the 3,500 troops of the Helmand Task Force, based around 3 Bn the Parachute Regiment, have been fighting with an intensity not seen since the Korean War. They lost 16 dead and 43 wounded.

For the first time in decades, artillery fired their guns over open sights, military policemen were turned into streetwise infantry fighters and Chinook pilots watched as rockets and bullets came within inches of downing their aircraft.

Some soldiers talked of frontline fighting akin to the First World War, others nonchalantly accepted "becoming accustomed" to incoming fire.

"If anybody tells me that the youth of today cannot hack it then that is complete bloody nonsense – they showed courage in spades out there and done us all proud," the senior commander said.

"These guys have faced an intensity of combat we have not faced for generations. It's been quite hairy but the guys pulled through."

A unit of the Para's elite Pathfinder platoon who had gone to the town of Musa Qala for a six-day operation ended up spending 52 days in the town, in combat for 26 of them.

The tactic of pushing out into Taliban-held towns in northern Helmand using platoon houses of 50 to 100 men to protect the areas had worked because it acted as a "breakwater" that kept the enemy away from more central areas.
Some patrols in the town of Sangin left their base knowing that there was a 90 per cent chance of contact with the enemy.

"It takes a special kind of courage for anybody to go out day after day to know what they are up against particularly when they have seen their friends killed on previous operations," the officer said. "RAF have also given us some of bravest flying I have ever seen or heard of.

"But I think more could have been done to prepare the public for the type of mission we were about to undertake."

The initial role of the Royal Military Police, carrying out routine investigation duties, changed into one of fighting pitched battles, standing shoulder to shoulder with Paras they would more normally have been separating in bar-room brawls.

With the severe lack of infantrymen, the RMPs were among several units called to fight. For the first time, the soldiers were asked to use heavy machine guns, mortars and grenades to fight off waves of Taliban attacks.

The night before his death Cpl Bryan Budd had talked quietly to RMP L/Cpl Matt Carse about his wife and the joy of becoming a father for the first time.
By the next day, after a fierce fire fight to recover a Para listed as "missing in action", L/Cpl Carse had reverted to police duties of photographing Cpl Budd's body and conducting a forensic examination.

The military policeman had been sent to Sangin to investigate the death of a soldier crushed by a British light tank but soon found himself in a pitched battle.

"A patrol had been ambushed with machine guns and there was a Para missing," he said.

"We formed a quick reaction force and with a Para sniper we went out to find him. We ran out through the gates of the platoon house under fire. We took a lot of fire as we got into a cornfield where the soldier was and then we had to fight our way back to the platoon house with Cpl Budd.

"He was one of the best and bravest soldiers I had met – he had taken on the Taliban virtually on his own."

He described the paratroopers he fought alongside as "awesome troops". "But we also had to become fighting troops for our own self-preservation," he said.

For the first time in almost 50 years the Royal Artillery fired over "open sights". In a tactic redolent of the Napoleonic era, the gunners of I Battery 7 Royal Horse fired their 105mm shells from close range at a Taliban machine gun nest during one engagement. Overall the battery of six light guns fired an extraordinary 4,300 rounds of mostly high explosive ordnance.

As desperate battles raged around the platoon houses with wave after wave of Taliban attacks, the infantry called in the bombardments with the artillery at times landing them "target close" – about 100 yards away from friendly positions.

Major Gary Wilkinson, 37, the battery commander, had to give up a troop of 30 men to become infantry. After one two-week operation, in which the unit had fired 10,000 rifle rounds, they had 20 hours to ready their cannons and return to duty as gunners.

"It was hugely demanding, exciting, difficult, dangerous and rewarding," the officer said.
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