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Old 27th Jul 2006, 01:17
  #21 (permalink)  
Vee Won Kutt
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Fellow PPruners. For the sake of clarity I have reprinted the entire diatribe, and added my own comments and remarks in bold where appropriate. Whilst there is a lot not to like about Jetstar, I feel that much of this utter crap needed to be addressed. For the record I work for the Qantas group as a pilot with Eastern (Qantas Link).

A funny thing happened on the way to the airport today, I was reminded of that old fashioned concept – service.
You see our long awaited holiday departure date had finally arrived, but unfortunately mother nature stepped in – disguised as fog, and put paid to our departure time. Not much anyone can do about that, so we wait until it clears.
Three hours later we board the aircraft and are on our way. In order to keep the good name of the airline untarnished, and as a gesture of good will to the paying customers, the Captain came over the intercom and told us that today, the drinks were on the airline.
Oh I shall never forget that feeling of goodwill, as it promised to shape the way I would think of air travel from that time on. A compassionate captain providing a wonderful gesture to those tired and frustrated passengers who just wanted to get their holiday underway.

He could only be passionate if his management backed him. Try making a call like that these days! I bet he had to have permission first.

There is an old saying – there is nothing like good service, and unfortunately Jet Star provides nothing like good service. You see the story I have just related occurred in 1979 whilst flying Qantas. Ever since then (despite the shift from customer focus to shareholder focus) I have been a loyal Qantas passenger. Qantas can thank that particular Captain for my many Qantas miles and therefore many Qantas dollars!

And how much did airline travel with Qantas cost in 1979? What proportion of the Aussie population could afford airline travel in 1979? You paid top dollar for that service! I have been fortunate enough to have traveled the globe many times, and have flown with many different airlines – To this day I remain disappointed with Qantas’ service. (Although I have had some good flights too).

Jet Star on the other hand has provided me with a travel memory that I will never forget, and remind me each time I travel to fly any other airline but theirs. Allow me to hit the high points.

Remember that Jetstar is the Devil Spawn of your beloved Qantas. I will respond to some of your points.

You see I actually never wanted to fly JetStar in the first place. I didn’t ever want to fly JetStar because I don’t like their philosophy, the lack of seating arrangements, the lack off express check in, and the ‘user pays for everything’ approach.

Fair enough mate – It’s not for you, or for many others, but LCCs have enabled many others to travel cheaply.
1. The seating arrangement issue is being addressed
2. Qantas’ check in is any thing but great these days
3. The ‘user pays for everything’ with Qantas anyway.

So with those many Qantas miles I had accumulated over the years, came many Qantas Frequent flier points, which I chose to redeem (on flights suitably picked by the airline to be as inconvenient as possible for the traveller) for a couple of tickets from Melbourne to Cairns.
As a loyal Qantas passenger (remember never wanting to fly Jetstar – Oh, I have a confession to make. During those times that Qantas flights weren’t available or didn’t suit, I fly Virgin, because you might remember that I never wanted to fly Jetstar), I logged into the Qantas web site, put in my Qantas frequent flyer number and finally managed to book two seats (plus an 18 month old toddler). I diligently printed off my itinerary (complete with Qantas logo) confirmed the flights (QF flight numbers) and waited for the day to leave. Yippee, a holiday at last!

Other than allocated seating – give me Jetstar any day. (speaking from my own experiences only)

Now at this place in the story, I should point out that I have excellent eyesight, but managed to overlook the small print of that dreaded word ‘Jetstar’, which in fairness to the company, did appear in small font below my Qantas flight number on my Qantas letterhead that I had printed off from the Qantas web site. I only noticed this however, when I arrived at the Qantas club check-in (you know the ones, usually have small queues and they give you those silly little ‘express luggage’ tags – oh and when I say ‘give’ I mean ‘trade’ for that $700 annual membership), quoted my QF (that’s airline talk for Qantas Flight) flight number and was told that the flight was with Jetstar. Disappointment turned to despair when I looked over at the Jetstar counter to see a line as long as I’ve ever seen.

My heart bleeds for you. Let’s get the violins out for this suited up battler! Oh the thought of a ruffled suit jacket – Those creases are oh so hard to get out.
1. Can’t really blame this one on Jetstar mate – It’s your beloved Qantas’ fault that they put you on a Jetstar flight.
2. Use you’re your excellent eyesight next time. Or ask Qantas to spell it out for you.

Check-in didn’t proceed as well as one would have hoped. Despite the departure screen informing the travelling throngs that QF5896 (sorry that should be JQ7896) was scheduled to leave at 0945, the fog in Melbourne was saying otherwise. After about 30 minutes in the queue, I arrived at the counter, presented myself, my pregnant wife and 18 month old son, only to be told that the flight was delayed until 1525, oh and by the way “I’ve added your baby onto your ticket, because he wasn’t on the initial booking”. But wait, I know he was. “Sometimes this information doesn’t come through”. Fair enough, not all that info you type in needs to get to them, they send it to a central area where a real person disregards a lot of the ‘useless’ info.

So what is really the problem here? It all got sorted out. I don’t know – but I would say 50/50 a Qantas stuff up in the reservation system. Jetstar sorted it our for you.

Upon enquiring why I hadn’t been called about the delay – I was told that Flight Centre should have called me (strange, I booked via the internet) “Well it is Qantas’ responsibility to call.”

Remember Jetstar are the Devil Spawn of Qantas.

It seemed a little strange that the fog was delaying our departure until 1325, when the Sunshine coast service (and I use the term ‘service’ loosely) was only going to be delayed until the fog cleared.

This point you make is fair enough. However in fairness to the check in staff it probably was initially a fog problem. Communication within any large organization can break down quickly. I have experienced this sort of thing many times, and with many airlines (including Qantas). It is unfortunate that it happened to you on this occasion, but hardly uniquely a Jetstar problem. Surely a well traveled person such as yourself has had similar experiences?

I was intrigued to hear one passenger later tell the other disgruntled passengers, that in fact she had been told when she arrived, that the flight was rescheduled from the original 0945 departure time to the 1325 departure time the previous day, because of scheduled aircraft maintenance; but I digress, more on disgruntled passengers later…

It’s unlikely that they would have scheduled maintenance during the timetable mate. Unscheduled maybe – Certainly it’s doubtful that there was any conspiracy going on.

Back to the check-in counter. With nothing else to do, I passed over our bags and tried to figure out how to kill four hours with a toddler and pregnant wife in a busy airport.

What’s that old saying about airline travel………? Hardly uniquely Jetstar

Thankfully the Jetstar check in man had given us some vouchers for food, which would tide us over. It wasn’t until I went to redeem them that I realised that toddlers need to eat as well (how forgetful of me, first I forget to put him on the booking and now this – I hope no one from DOCS reads this!), fortunately the two $8 vouchers were enough to buy two stale sandwiches and leave us $4 dollars to buy one drink (they cost a bit more than that by the way).

Crank up the violins guys, and get out the tissues! Blame the over priced stale sandwiches on Jetstar – That would be right – you have obviously allowed your jaded bigotry to bias your opinion. However in fairness to you $8 may be a little on the lean side – The Qantas vouches I have seen are in the order of $14, but hardly worth getting worked up about mate.

Luckily for us, we managed to contact a friend who was kind enough to pick us up and allow us to spend some time at his house (babies needing sleep and all that).

What Jetstar didn’t put you up in the Hilton for a few hours – how…how….how…Stingy!
“Qantas never have delays, but…..but…..but….. if they did I bet they would put us up in the Hilton!”

So around 1 pm I called the Jetstar number (oh, if you ever need to find it, don’t look on the ticket because it’s not there) only to be greeted by a service representative who takes no lip, but does accept key tones. Another point to note here is that if you use one of the functions of the ‘service’ (loosely used again) and then want to go back to another – oh I don’t know why – maybe to speak to someone, you can’t. The little voice says thankyou and hangs up). Another tip for the uninitiated, don’t use the Telstra call connect service for this, because when Jetstar hangs up on you, you can’t look at the ticket to get the number (come on keep up - remember it’s not there) So always write the number down and then you can call back without having to go through Telstra again.

Automated phone services are pathetic – no argument. However, once again this is hardly uniquely a Jetstar problem.

The little voice told me that the flight was departing at 5.25pm. I was sure that couldn’t be correct, maybe the voice is wrong; perhaps I had better ask a real person. Now which key do I press to get a real person (Slow learner –see note above). Call back and speak to real person. The flight is leaving at 3.25. Excellent. “Oh and buy the way, why didn’t anyone call me to tell me the flight was delayed?”
“I’m very sorry Qantas should have done that”
“Will they call me if there are any more delays?”
“Probably not, perhaps you should call before you leave for the airport”

As a loyal (But obviously slow learning) Qantas passenger I will save you some time also. Bare in mind that Jetstar are the Devil Spawn of Qantas.
1. Collectively Qantas treat there own like pond scum
2. Collectively Qantas treat there customers like the bottom dwellers that feed off pond scum
3. Collectively Qantas treat Jetstar (and the staff) like the excretion that scum sucking bottom dwellers pump out of their nether regions!
So if it was Qantas’ responsibility to call you, then it is no surprise to me that you were left in the dark. Good on that ‘real person’ to have the honesty to suggest you call in future.

Here is a time saving tip for travellers – save a few seconds when you book your flight by not bothering to put in your CONTACT details, they don’t really need them anyway, contact to an airline probably still refers to the art of swinging a prop.

Admittedly communication is obviously a problem that not only Jetstar, but the Qantas group should address. Yes the entire Qantas group – Qantas Link also!

OK, where were we? Oh yes that right – check before you leave. So 10 mins after my initial few calls (remember you need to make a few) I called back and spoke to a real person. It seems the flight is delayed until 5.25pm. I checked my mobile – yes it was still on, and no silly, it wasn’t on silent- seems like I must have been overlooked again.

Would you like some syrup with your waffle sir????

When we finally arrive at the airport we make our way to the gate only to see the aircraft leave, oh don’t fret, that one isn’t ours; ours is delayed until 6.15pm (phone is still on). Another tip here, always have a friend who lives in the same town/city as the airport and who can pick you up – could you imagine having to wait in the airport ALL day (well not technically ‘all day’ only 10 hours) because of delays. It would probably make you pretty angry and if you had kids, make them unruly. Lucky you have that $7 stale sandwich and that one-dollar drink (note comment above about drinks costing more than $1).

What was that saying about airline travel again?

O.K, we finally board. Horay! Take off is uneventful and we settle into the cruise. The captain turns off the seat belt sign, which allows the cabin staff to leave their seats and congregate around the toilets talking about how they were called in from standby because of the previous crew running out of hours.

I’m prepared to give the Flight Attendants the benefit of the doubt here as you are obviously at the point of blaming Jetstar about a jock itch! Sure they may have gathered near the toilets at some point – but did they spend the duration of the flight there? If so – inexcusable, if not however– then stop embellishing the argument.

Now dear reader, if you can remember the very start of this tirade, you might recall that captain, who saved the airlines good name and offered his passengers a free drink – after all they had waited around for three hours and were pretty annoyed (an other point here – anyone who knows anything about flying understands that fog is fog and it is not the airlines fault that they are delayed – but some people don’t and will blame the airline – thus the brilliance of the Qantas captain; give ‘em a drink, they’ll be happy and they’ll fly with us again).

1. Qantas’ good name is on the nose.
2. That brilliant Captain that you have exalted to some god-like status was probably either doing as he was told or following company protocol that may or may not exist now. Did he pay for the drinks himself? Would it still happen at Qantas today? – Maybe? I don’t know as I have never seen it – I am sure some fellow diehard PPruners (The majority of which hate/fear Jetstar infinitely more than you) may shed some light on this point. Sure it was a nice thing to do and probably would have been appropriate in this situation too.

In this case however it was more than three hours (about ten but who’s counting) and it wasn’t only fog but maintenance (I know aircraft fall out of the sky if they aren’t looked after), but one might expect some action to go along with the shallow “we’re sorry for the delay”

Ease up mate! You have had a go at the company, the cabin crew, and now you are insinuating that the crew are also shallow. That’s a pretty powerful accusation. What makes it ‘shallow’ mate? The fact that you wanted your drink, and other than someone’s blood, nothing else would have satisfied you?
I reckon I have to give a “sorry folks” call for every third flight at Eastern – and I never give it ‘shallow’ mate!!

After the staff had rested from the arduous takeoff, they walked through the aisle and offered us a drink (at the going rate of $6 for a beer). Some people who had thought they would be on the flight much earlier and foolishly hadn’t eaten dinner ($7 dollar sandwiches taste pretty good after hanging out in an airport all day) thought they would buy some overpriced under whelming food to keep them going on the flight.
Now I interrupt this tirade to make a point to airline staff, if you are going to offer food, it is a good idea that you ACTUALLY have the food to offer. You see food is like baggage when it comes to flying – we generally like our bags and food to be on the same flight that we are. You can have that tip for nothing.

1. So the cabin crew didn’t spend the entire time at the toilets????
2. Those drinks aren’t free on your beloved Qantas either. Somebody has to pay for them. At least at Jetstar you have the choice to not have to pay for them.
3. When is airline food anything but ‘underwhelming’?
4. Having the food onboard is a good tip mate. Same problem at Eastern (and I make the presumption that it would be the same at Qantas) – I understand that it’s a Qantas group policy that if catering is not there then the flight will not be delayed. It sucks I’m sure for the customers, but once again not uniquely a Jetstar problem. I can assure you the cabin crew cringed when they saw the catering was missing! They are human too!

Now I know that Jetstar is only a new airline, but even babies know how to moderate their core temperature. Another tip here staff members, if you see kids taking off their clothes, and you hear people saying how hot it is – you might actually want to do something about it. I wouldn’t wait until one of those annoyed customers has something else to complain about by having to ask you to turn the cabin temp down. You don’t even need to bother the captain; you have a little button on the touch screen on the front bulkhead that can do it for you.

Once again mate you’re having a go at the crew. I’m tipping you flew on an A320? If so the cabin crew can’t change the temperature, that’s the sole responsibility of the flight crew. It’s a pain when it gets to hot/cold – sure. There are other possibilities though, i.e. the aircraft had been in for maintenance so something may still be faulty, or a setting may be slightly out. Did they sort the temperature issue out? You may not have seen one of the cabin crew on the intercom asking the pilots to “take a couple of logs off the fire”.

Now here is a final tip on customer service. I know people often complain and want to feel like their special (especially those annoying customers that are in some crazy way that I don’t fully understand (I’m not college educated) paying your wages), but when you see the beginning of a mutiny on your hands, you might like to actually DO something about it (remember an empty ‘sorry’ only goes so far). I know the signs are sometimes subtle – maybe taking the form of a lady starting a partition and having virtually EVERY passenger sign it during the flight) but with practice you will recognise these signs.

Thank God I’m not back down the back. I have seen your type and I wouldn’t have the patience to tolerate you. You wouldn’t want a coffee from me mate because I would give you extra ‘froth’ on top! What do you want the cabin crew to do for you? You don’t accept a “sorry” from them. Often things and circumstance happen that are out of the control of the cabin crew mate. Do you want them to change into potato bags and throw ashes on their heads and then grovel at your feet while you sip on the captain’s generosity? You Toff! If there is more to your story then elaborate on the above comment (and don’t embellish it!).

From the mutterings I listened to in my many walks up and down the aisle following a sleep deprived child, I heard a number of people say things along the lines of ‘and they won’t even give us a free drink, well I will never fly Jetstar again’. I know that many of them will buckle and fly Jetstar again, but many won’t, and most will tell their friends about this money hungry airline, which will eventually cost more than 150 free drinks.

Is that damned drink the only thing that would have placated you?

I wish now that in 1979 I had taken note of the Captains name, because I’m sure he would like to know how his simple gesture (costing the company very little) has earned them untold amounts of not only good will but custom, and I’d like to point him in the direction of Jetstar management, so he could give them a little lesson on the forgotten art of customer Service.

Woomera – Is there an emoticon that is bowing down and worshipping a ‘generous’ captain???

Have I complained to Jetstar – no, what’s the point? They can’t give me the lost day of my holiday, and even if they did offer me a free flight (highly unlikely) I wouldn’t take it, as I have said, I never want to fly Jetstar again. Instead, I’ll do the next best thing. I hope lots of people read this diatribe and think twice about using Jetstar, until the company realises that even with cheap seats, people want to be treated like people and not cattle. Service doesn’t really cost that much.

1. I am tipping you spent the second day of you holiday, fuming over a keyboard, and typing this crap out.
2. Why not complain to Jetstar, rather than whine to us? (Although there are plenty of sympathetic readers here I guess.)

P.S. I hope someone form Jetstar has read this entire letter, and it has taken a number of minutes out of their day, minutes they could have been spending on a holiday. If they have, and they feel annoyed at the waste of time – I’m sorry (but I promise to by you a free drink).

1. Pull you head in!
2. Happy ironing, you Toff!

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