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Old 13th Sep 2000, 19:22
  #10 (permalink)  
4050 Exempt
Posts: n/a

Being a corporate Pilot....hmmmm

I love it, lot's of time off, great equipment, flying for good boss's that entrust you with multimillion dollar equipment and thier lives. So they have treated me pretty well. If you have other areas to generate income it may be the perfect mix. The problem is the pay, the benefits, the fight for a raise every year, the constant justification financialy and busineswise...the airlines don't have to do that. I enjoy the freedom, since I fly a faster, heavier jet as a single pilot, there is no politics, and the boss is happy not to have to pay for the extra pilot. Keeps costs down. For me it's a 412kt single pilot hardon, but to progress in corporate(ie: make more money, more bennies) you need to fly the heavier stuff, that means moving...

Also the days can be real long...

why I do it.

Freedom, after I land I can do what I want while waiting for the people to come back, hit the gym, eat good food, make some calls, see a movie, et.

The flying is the best, I make the decisions, fly, and manage how I want to do it, no politics.

Respect, boss treats me well, single pilot jet, busy, tough, most pilots know that.

Pay that you can live on.

Exposure to biz people, opportunities.


Lagging pay, fight for raises, no standards, no union to fight for you, no job security, less benefits, have to live where you work.



4050 Exempt